2021 Challenges

Challenge 1

Theme: Family

Title: Windows of my Mind

The main view is of a perspective distorted window frame inferring an Ames window to reflect the illusory nature of my family.

It is happestance the Microsoft Windows logo uses similar iconography.

The artwork is, and is contained in, a laptop computer.

This is particularly pertinent as my children pioneered computer learning in the early 1980's and were the first to ever send an email from one school to another (before the internet existed).

(N.B.It is an old computer with a cracked screen and hard drive, memory and battery removed and used elsewhere.)

Although my biological imperative was to have, and be patriarch to, my own biological family, this wasn’t to be. However, in 30 years of teaching, I have regarded nearly 1000 pupils as if they were “my children”, instilling some of my metaphorical DNA during the year we spent together. I am delighted a number have chosen to befriend me on Facebook up to 50 years since they were in my class. (They are represented in top left image.)

Following my retirement, I founded a patient support charity which became another family with whom I connect via email and Facebook. (They are represented in bottom left image.)

Via my second wife, I have acquired grandchildren, two of whom live a couple of hundred miles away in UK and two on the other side of the world in Australia whom we have to meet via Skype or WhatsApp. (They are represented in the right hand images which also show frustration these apps can cause.)

Challenge 2

Theme: Travel

Title: "The Road to Nowhere?"

This view is the basis for the background picture: "The Road to Nowhere", part of my local cycling exercise loop during lockdown.

Although part of a recommended cycle route, this was used as a rat run BC (Before Covid) with 4-wheeled, 2 ton, carbon-emitting missiles attempting to avoid hold ups on the main road.

As a cyclist, I was always anxious about meeting one of the leviathans head-on as I negotiated the Stygian darkness of the further low bridge.

It has now been made a safe haven for cyclists.

The dark abyss ahead is also strangely metaphorical. If we can endure the dark times ahead, we may emerge into a bright new day.

My "Studio"

Work in progress on easel. Only just visible is a "holster" of the oil based coloured pencils attached to the left leg of the easel. (If you're looking for it, you'll see the tips of pencils in front of the reference photo printout.

Laptop with reference work on side table with tray of special pencils and other requirements sitting on laptop keyboard. Pencil sharpener to the right and wax crayons to the left as well as the requisite refreshment.

The "Road to Nowhere" may be finished apart from mounting.

The model handlebars which will be mounted in front, and to the left hand side, of the picture (as I turn left into this scene).

Since it's only a representation, brakes need no cables and no gear changer is needed,

On the Road to Nowhere