Broadsides & Prints

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The following items are all available in limited quantities upon request by e-mail

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*Please note that orders will be charged sales tax.

Set of twelve St. Francis letterpress printed Bookplates with Artwork by Daniel Mitsui,

Daniel writes; ‘The St. Francis bookplate design is one of my favorites, because it refers ironically to that saint’s disdain for book ownership. The full story illustrated is this one, from a medieval vita:

Another time, when blessed Francis was sitting near a fire, warming himself, the same one spoke to him again about a psalter. And blessed Francis told him: “After you have a psalter, you will desire and want to have a breviary; after you have a breviary, you will sit in a fancy chair, like a great prelate telling your brother: ‘Bring me the breviary.’” And speaking in this way with great intensity of spirit, he took some ashes in his hand, put them on his head rubbing them around his head as though he were washing it, saying: “I, a breviary! I, a breviary!” He spoke this way many times, passing his hand over his head. The brother was stunned and ashamed.

 Afterwards blessed Francis said to him: “Brother, I was likewise tempted to have books. But, in order to know God’s will about this, I took the book, where the Lord’s Gospels are written, and prayed to the Lord to deign to show it to me at the first opening of the book. After my prayer was ended, on the first opening of the holy Gospel this verse of the holy Gospel came to me: To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to the others all things are treated in parables.”

 And he said: “There are many who willingly climb to the heights of knowledge; that person be blessed who renounces it for the love of God.”’

Price is $8 + shipping.

Sonnet 117, written by William Shakespeare, designed, illustrated and letterpress printed by Robert LoMascolo. The image artwork was drawn in color and then reproduced by means of a four-color letterpress halftone. The text is printed from freshly cast Baskerville type from The Letterfoundry of Michael & Winifred Bixler.

The image composition is inspired by Elizabethan embroidery, but here features flora and fauna from the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. From left to right in rows; Blue Bird, White Oak Acorns, Mayfly, Black-eyed Susans, Gewürztraminer Grapes, Empire Apples, American Red Squirrel, Pink Trillium, Eastern Chipmunk, Heirloom Roses, Ladybug, and Amanita Jacksonii Mushrooms.

Price is $65 + shipping. Will be shipped in a tube.

“The Acorn & The Pumpkin” broadside, printed entirely from metal type.

Price is $15 + shipping.

Have you seen my cathedralic broadside? My design is made up of thousands of small typographic ornaments. Type ornaments such as the Granjon 6 piece (shown below) have been used by printers since the 16th century, but are seldom used today. These simple ornaments, and others like them, provided much of the basic building blocks of my complex design.

One reason typographic ornaments, in general, are so rarely seen today in large quantities, is because of the time and difficulty in using them to create a pleasing arrangement. Although I design these arrangements digitally and then print from plates, each and every little piece is placed separately without automation. This design evolved over the course of a month, working a few hours each day. There were a number of times I almost gave up on it, but I hope you will agree that the results make up for the tedium and difficulty of it all.

Price is $45 + shipping. Will be shipped in a tube.

The Press of Robert LoMascolo is pleased to announce a new broadside! This is an 11x26in letterpress printed Typosignet, or type picture. The design is made up of countless small typographic ornaments. Type ornaments such as the Granjon 6 piece (shown below) have been used by letterpress printers since the 1500s, but are seldom seen today. These simple ornaments, and others like them, provided much of the basic building blocks of this complex design.

One reason typographic ornaments are so rarely seen today in large quantities, is because of the time and difficulty in using them to create a pleasing arrangement. Each little piece is placed separately without any automation. This design evolved over approximately a month, working a few hours each day. The image is not intended to be of any particular pipe organ, but is of typically French design.

Price is $45 + shipping. Will be shipped in a tube.

“When We Draw Near . . .” 2009, hand set type and wood engraving. Three copies on calf skin parchment, 25 on paper. Dimensions are 6in by 11in. Text is an excerpt from “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas à Kempis.

Price, Parchment copies $100 -Sold Out!

Price, Paper copies $20 -Sold Out!




Wood engravings, 2010. Dimension of image area is 5in by 7in. Engraved by hand on Resingrave blocks. Printed on a Vandercook number 3. Please specify which one you would like when ordering.

Price is $30 each matted + shipping

'RECORDARE, Virgo Mater. . . . ' (REMEMBER, O Virgin Mother. . . .) 14.5 x 20in broadside. Gold foil and letterpress printed.

Price is $35 + shipping. Shipped in a tube.

“Get your ducks in a row.” 2009, linoleum reduction print with hand set type. Dimensions are 14in by 11.5in.

Sold Out!