Video clips - SPIE Interview and CDRH/FDA course

SPIE Interview

The following are excerpts from the interview of Robert Wagner conducted by Murray Loew on February 15, 2006. These are taken from the SPIE DVD with their permission. The full interview is available on DVD from SPIE.

History of the SPIE Medical Imaging conferences - Bob comments on the contributions to the SPIE MI series of Bill Hendee, Roger Schneider, Joe Yaver, Sue Davis, Otto Schade, Rodney Shaw, Rich Van Metter, and Chuck Mistretta.

Brushes with greatness; Nobel number - Stories about interactions and near interactions with some of the great researchers in medical imaging, including Britton Chance, Paul Lauterbur, and Allan Cormack.

Bob's education and professional life - Bob talks about Villanova, monastery, and the Bureau of Radiological Health (FDA). He says, "if I have only one life to live, I want to live it as a physicist."

Future of medical imaging and SPIE MI meeting - Bob discusses new approaches to medical diagnosis and the consequences for the SPIE medical imaging meetings.

CDRH/FDA course

Robert Wagner gave a short course at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (FDA) in 2005 entitled Introduction to Assessment Methods for Diagnostic Tests, Diagnostic Imaging and Computer-Assist Modalities. The following short clips show Bob in one of his favorite roles, as a teacher:

1 - Diagnostic tests

2 - Operating point on the ROC curve

3 - Assessing a new modality

4 - Experiment design and uncertainty

5 - Correlated noise

6 - Variability of readers