FDA Tribute Program - August 13, 2008

Image Science and Radiological Health:

Reflections on the Contributions of CDRH Scientist

Dr. Robert F. Wagner

January 10, 1938 - June 30, 2008


Robert F. Wagner was born in Philadelphia on January 10, 1938. He graduated first in his class from La Salle College High School. In 1959 he was the Valedictorian at Villanova University, where he received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. He then moved to the Washington, D.C. area for graduate studies, where he earned an M.A. in Theology from Augustinian College in 1965 and a Ph.D. in physics from Catholic University in 1969. After a post-doctoral fellowship at Ohio University, he was hired by the Bureau of Radiological Health (a precursor to CDRH) in 1972 to assess the dose reduction potential of radiographic intensifying screens. Within months he published a review of the relevant imaging literature, together with a charter for a laboratory program. Soon thereafter, Bob introduced digital noise analysis to radiography, and showed that the new technology offered a 1.6 to 2.5-fold exposure reduction without compromising imaging performance. He then launched a program of inter-laboratory comparison of measurements on radiographic film samples that were circulated among fifteen commercial, government, and academic laboratories world wide. In the process he became the prime mover for work toward consensus methodology for quantitative imaging performance measurements.

In the years that followed, Bob revolutionized the way in which medical imaging technologies are evaluated. His research resulted in a stream of highly cited and extremely creative scientific publications across a range of disciplines, including radiography and mammography, CT, ultrasound, vision and image perception, computer-aided diagnosis, and in vitro biomarkers. Bob earned an international reputation in these areas and applied his expertise to a wide range of regulatory issues central to FDA’s mission. He enlightened the scientific community within the Agency as well as the international scientific community through many invited presentations and tutorials, his numerous publications, his many professional society activities, and his assistance in regulatory decision making.

Bob was elected to the rank of Fellow by five societies: IEEE, AIMBE, OSA, SPIE, and SPSE. Within the FDA he was awarded the FDA Commendable Service Award and the Award of Merit, the Commissioner’s Special Citation, and the Public Health Service Superior Service award, in addition to having been a member of numerous groups receiving unit awards. In 1995 he was honored by election to the Senior Biomedical Research Service in the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Bob’s greatest legacy may be the many young scientists he nurtured, either by direct tutelage at the FDA or by his many teaching engagements and research collaborations. His contributions to the science enterprise will live on in the work of his students and colleagues for decades to come.

The Program

Introduction and Remarks

Dr. Kyle Myers

Reflections and Memories

Dr. Martin Sokoloski

Adm. John Villforth

Mr. Roger Schneider

Dr. David Brown

Dr. Mary Pastel

Dr. Stephen Smith

Dr. Art Burgess

Dr. Kenneth Hanson

Dr. Greg Campbell

Dr. Larry Kessler

Dr. Dan Schultz

Tributes from Audience Members


Dr. Kyle Myers


The members of the Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics (DIAM,OSEL,CDRH,FDA) would like to thank all the invited speakers, family members, friends, and colleagues for attending and contributing to this event. It was very important for us to honor Bob in the most comprehensive way possible, and your words, narratives, and photographs have turned this wish into a reality.

Please note that a webpage in Bob’s honor has been created by Ken Hanson [kennethmhanson@msn.com]. Contributions to this ongoing memorial are appreciated. http://sitesgoogle.com/site/robertfwagnermemorial/

Logistics: Elizabeth Hsu

Exhibits: Weijie Chen, Brandon Gallas, Ken Hanson, Lisa Kinnard, Frank Samuelson

Floral arrangements: Subok Park

Refreshment planning: Sophie Paquerault, Nick Petrick, Annie Saha

Correspondence: Jackie Haynes

Donation collections: Mary Schielke

Music: Keith Wear

Facilities support: Tim Parker