3200 Zanker

aka "Lockheed Martin" -- 3100-3200 Zanker Office Buildings

Status: construction planned

Permit: H15-037

Events: none pending

Developer: Boston Properties

Acres: 24 acres

Units: high-density office space


  • Update 10/27/2015, Broadcom is negotiating to purchase the property.
  • Update 9/30/2015, site plans and other documents from community meetings with the developer: here.
    • Update 8/2015: revised H15-037.
      • Rumors suggest negotiations with Broadcom/Avago, Apple and others.
    • Site Development Permit to allow the construction of 536,949 square feet of office/R&D uses at an existing office/R&D facility, the removal of ordinance sized trees, and related site improvements, on a 25.5-gross acre site
  • Current permits (PRE07-199 and 2011-031293-CI) only allow for renovation and updating the exterior of the current office buildings. Boston Properties has dropped plans for expansion for now.
  • Update 3/5/2008
    • Two new office buildings, parking replacement, other improvements:
      • Building B1 at SW corner of site -- 9 stories, 150 ft, 278,000 sqft
      • Building B2 at SE corner of site -- 7 stories, 120 ft, 215,000 sqft
      • Garage G1 at NW corner -- 7 levels, 70 ft, 1500 spaces
      • Garage G2 at NE corner -- 3 levels, 40 ft, 1470 spaces
      • Exterior upgrade of existing buildings
      • Extensive landscape redesign and improvement
      • Build-out and public dedication of Henry Ford II Drive
    • Paying $5.5 million in Traffic Impact Fees, doing extensive traffic studies, contributing frontage land to accomodate road widening, upgrading street frontages to city standards
    • LEED environmental certification for new buildings, increase focus on alternative-transit
    • Schedule:
      • Approval for site permit by May
      • Start construction on Henry Ford II Drive Fall 2008
      • Start Phase I construction (B1,G1) in early 2009
      • Project completion (Phase I & II) in 2012
  • Minutes from the 8/2/2007 meeting are posted here.
  • Presentation from the 8/2/2007 meeting here
  • We'd like to stress that this presentation contains preliminary information and is subject to change
  • On behalf of Boston Properties, I am writing to notify you of our intent to re-develop the property at 3200 Zanker Road, currently the home of Lockheed Martin. Our goal is to upgrade the property to an attractive, modern office/R&D complex.
    • Addition of two new buildings at the SE and SW corners of the property;
    • Addition of two parking structures at the NE and NW corners of the property to replace surface parking and support the office uses;
    • Potential re-cladding of the four existing buildings in the central area of the property;
    • Extensive landscape improvements to integrate the buildings into a cohesive "campus", and improve aesthetic appeal;
    • Re-alignment of Henry Ford Drive II and its dedication for public use.