9/30/15 -- Update on the Boston Properties Proposal

Post date: Oct 3, 2015 5:08:02 AM

A short summary of the proposal:

    • Renovate existing buildings
    • Build 2 new 6-story buildings. One at corner of Zanker and Montague, the other at corner of Research and Montague. Adds 537,00 square feet of office space.
    • Build 2 new parking structures. 7 stories at corner of Zanker and Innovation. 3 stories at corner of Research and Innovation. Adds 2760 parking spaces.

On 9/30, there was a community meeting open the public. The slides from the meeting are here.

RONA Board also had an early meeting with Boston Properties on 9/11 to go over their plans and point out the community's main concerns. At that meeting, Mirjam Link from Boston Properties shared the site plan with the Board. The notes from that meeting are below:

She told us that there will be approx. 500,000 sqft of new buildings, that being two large offices and two parking garages. The parking garage on the corner of Research and Innovation will be 3 story and the office on the corner of Research and Montague will be 6 stories.

The corner of Montague and Zanker will have a 6 story office building and the corner of Zanker and Innovation will have a 6 story parking garage. Boston Prop. said the previous approved project done in 2006 had the parking garage at 6 stories.

The main entrance will be on Innovation Drive. Innovation Drive has three driveways and the middle driveway will be the main entrance.

We talked about saving a clump of trees at Research and Innovation and along Research and also trees at Research and Montague. Mirjam did not have a Landscaping plan with her, but thought they might be saved. Page one and two show the location of the trees.

Construction truck routes was a big concern and she is going to send to Mike that information. This meeting was a fact finding meeting for Boston Properties so when they come back again for a Neighborhood Community Meeting at the end of September/early October, hopefully our concerns will be met.