The Impact of Software Development Team Dynamics on the Knowledge Management Process
The influence of software team dynamics on well- organized software development knowledge process could prevent software development organizations from suffering from the knowledge atrophy problem. To explore this, we have studied several team dynamics factors that influence the Knowledge Management Processes (KMP) in Very Small Entities (VSEs) [1]. A survey was conducted in a variety of VSEs and through statistical and qualitative content analysis for the research data, results indicate that small teams, informal team process and structure have an important influence on the level of team dynamics in the software development process.
Software development is a complex activity and depends strongly on human commitment for its implementation. Furthermore since software development projects involve knowledge intensive exchanges and collaborations, the influence of team dynamics on the organization of software development knowledge could assist software companies to become more innovative and efficient. Hence KMP is more effective in an organization if the development teams have a good team culture with ability to share knowledge, collaborative relationship and personal responsible in creating and sharing knowledge [2]. In addition KMP is also reshaped by the attitudes and behaviour of team in order to ensure that both personal and organizational knowledge are always available [3]. The issues of limited resources; especially in cost and people almost always become an issue and can have an impact on the KMP in VSEs [4]. Therefore it is our belief that better understanding the influence of team dynamics in software projects could assist small companies to mitigate VSEs KMP against the knowledge atrophy problem.
- Very Small Entities (VSEs):
- The term “Very Small Entity” (VSE) had been defined by the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Group 24 “ an entity (enterprise, organization, department or project) having up to 25 people” [6].
- Teams and Knowledge Management:
- According to [8] software development is a combination of two basic processes; social process and technological process. [9] argues that software production is more effected by social process rather than technological process. People are not only claimed as the greatest asset in a software organization [10] but also critical to software development success [11]. Software is always developed in a group rather on the individual basis [8] and the basis of every software project is a team [11].
- Teams Dynamics:
- Team dynamics effect how team reacts, behaves or performs and the effects of team dynamics are often very complex [15]. There are various forces could influence team dynamics including nature of the task, the organizational context and team composition.
Study Methodology:
For this study we have developed and distributed a survey questionnaire to software VSEs (involved in software product development) in Dublin, Ireland. The survey questionnaires (which followed a GQM approach) were consisted of quantitative and qualitative questions. In order to get a quick replied, we regularly contacted the respondents via email and phone. Each received and completed questionnaire were compiled and analysis. The close-ended questionnaire were grouped according the issue and analyze using a statistical analysis. Meanwhile, on the open ended data, we analyze and categories the data according to the category that this study intends to understand. In summary we adopted the qualitative contents analysis approach in analyzing the open-ended answer [23]. At the end, we have merged the both analysis result in order to gain more understanding and validate the results. We have received a total of 70 filled questionnaires and have conducted 15 interviews for this study, In order to produce details analysis results, we have divided the survey respondents into 2 main group namely the Micro VSE (M) (1-9 employees) and Larger VSE (L) (10-25 employees) [1].
Findings & Discussion:
- Teams dynamics and Structure
- Communication
- Learning and Sharing
- Documentation Process
- KM Process and Commitment
Conclusion & Future Work:
The analysis has indicated that VSEs have a clear KMP in their organization. The results also show the knowledge atrophy problem is not a serious problem in VSEs. From the analysis we found that due to small team size which creates a flat work structure, direct and active communication, close relationship and open environment have created positive team dynamics environments in respondents’ organization. These situations also have encouraged software development teams to share and create knowledge in organization. In addition the analysis in the first stage (qualitative) have indicated that management style in VSEs which is more informal and macro, and working style which more autonomous have helps to create team dynamics environments. This situation help VSEs enhance their KMP and mitigate several factors which lead to knowledge atrophy problems.
This is shown from the analyses which have indicated that in VSEs knowledge sharing level is high; staff turnover rate is low, high levels of knowledge exploration, continuous guidance from the senior staff and active communication in exchanging idea or knowledge among staff. Meanwhile in second stage data analysis process indicates that 90% from our research respondents believed that informal process environment in their organization has helped the development team to become more dynamic and this situation has assisted them in KMP beside mitigated knowledge atrophy problem from happened. In addition, the second stage data analysis result also shows that 80% of respondents claimed that their software development activities are not affected by the knowledge atrophy problem. They claimed that by, having frequent guidance and mentoring activities, being active in knowledge sharing and proactive coaching could mitigate this problem from occurring.