German Christmas Service

I started the Weihnachtsgottesdienst at Our Savior Lutheran Church when I was the vicar in 1994 and had no idea that it would still be going on when I returned in 2002 as the pastor.

We are hoping to have our annual German Christmas Service on Sunday, December 13, 2020, in spite of the ongoing pandemic. If attendance restrictions are similar at that time to what they are as of this writing (in September), then we will be limited to 75 people in our sanctuary with masks worn throughout the service. We will likely have a sign-up list, with overflow seating available in our social hall if necessary.

Please check back as we solidify our plans, or send a note to Pastor Young at if you would like to receive email updates. You can also check the OSLC Facebook page.

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Please send me an email if you have any questions.