GEO = “earth, land”

Greek γῆ, γής; γεω- (combining form)

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Level One

[dict] geography [GRAPH] written descriptions of the earth and its countries and peoples

[dict] geology [LOGY] study of the earth and rock formations

[dict] geometry [METR] originally measuring the land, now simply the study of shapes

Level Two

[dict] apogee [APO] farthest distance of an orbit away from the earth

[dict] geocentric [CENTR] centered on the earth

[dict] geoid [OID] a shape like the earth approximating the surface of mean sea level

[dict] geothermal [THERM] using heat from the earth

[dict] perigee [PERI] closest distance of an orbit near the earth

Level Three

[dict] hypogeal [HYPO] cf. subterranean

[dict] George [ERG] one who works the land, that is, a farmer. (See John 15:1 for γεωργός)

[dict] geomancy [MANCY] divination by the interpretation of the landscape

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