Delphi Study on RRI in ICT and Services for an Ageing Society
An extensive Delphi Study has been part of the work on implementation of the Responsible-Industry project. This study aimed at assessing the position of relevant stakeholders about the implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the domain of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and services for an ageing society. The results of the study are aimed at contributing to European policies about corporate responsibilities within Horizon 2020.
The Delphi method is a structured communication technique that involves experts, who answer questionnaires in two or more rounds and where the result from earlier rounds are input to each new round. In the first round of the present Delphi study, a questionnaire had been distributed to more than 500 relevant stakeholders, i.e. researchers, business people, policy makers, users with a relevant expertise in the area of ICT for an ageing society, from EU member states and other, non-EU, countries. The analysis of responses led to the preparation of the 2nd round questionnaire. Results of this second step were the basis for the final report of the Delphi Exercise.
This first questionnaire was prepared on the basis of first results of a study within this project on the current discourse of RRI, health, demographic change and wellbeing and a survey on tools and a matrix for RRI in Industry.
The main objective of the questionnaire was to identify and evaluate stakeholders opinions, attitudes and proposals in particular on:
gaps, needs, controversial positions, critical issues;
good practices;
prospective needs and activities in relation with RRI implementation.
The 1st round questionnaire with 26 questions (mostly multiple choice with checkboxes) was structured in four main areas plus few optional additional questions and demographic data:
awareness on RRI;
measures for Integration of RRI into the value chain;
Responsible Governance;
inclusion of RRI dimensions in the ICT for ageing society area;
demographic information.
Researchers, business people, policy makers, and users with relevant expertise in this area were invited to take part in the survey following this link:
For any information on the survey, contact: