Bottom-up Call for Case Study Descriptions
To ensure an additional opportunity for detailed input on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) from industry, a bottom-up call for case study descriptions of good practice in RRI in industry was launched in April 2014. The deadline for submission of abstracts was June 30, 2014. In total twelve applications were received from eight countries, namely the UK, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the U.S.A., South Africa, France and Cyprus. As planned, five case studies were funded from successful applicants in a two-stage selection process.
Here are the winners.
Thomas Frenken: AmbiAct
This product was developed in collaboration of a start-up company, a social alarm operator and end users.
The system provides a novel method to generate emergency calls.
Open or download the full case study here (PDF).
Nada Savitch: My Brain Book
This product was developed by an ICT company (a spin-off of London universities) and a CSO in collaboration with end users.
My Brain Book is an ICT product that helps generate, maintain and execute care plans.
Open or download the full case study here (PDF).
Steven Flipse: ICT Tool for Multidisclinary Innovation Teams
This product was developed by researchers at TU Delft (The Netherlands) in collaboration with a commercial research organisation.
The tool for multidisciplinary innovation teams helps to apply midstream modulation techniques using ICT.
Open or download the full case study here (PDF).
Brent Mittelstadt: Industry Study for Personal Health Monitoring
This is a product of University researchers engaged with patients, medical doctors and healthcare organisations.
It provides recommendations for industry to ensure the ethical development of Personal Health Monitoring (PHM) devices.
Open or download the full case study here (PDF).
Karsten Bolz: T-City Friedrichshafen
This is the result of a collaboration between a major German corporate player (Deutsche Telekom) and a South German city and engaged citizens.
It comprises a broad range of ICT-based projects that improve the quality of life and community living.
Open or download the full case study here (PDF).