6th IPCRG Scientific Meeting

6th IPCRG Scientific Meeting: 24-25 May 2019 Novotel City Centre, Bucharest, Romania

Research School, An Introduction to Qualitative Research in Primary Care: 23-24 May 2019

Thank you to everyone who submitted an abstract for the 6th IPCRG Scientific Meeting taking place in Bucharest from the 24-25 May 2019. We will be shortly announcing the results of the reviews as we work hard to finalise our interesting & educational programme.

If you are still to register for the meeting, you can do so by following this link. Our early-bird discounted fees are only available until 24 April 2019 so save yourself and/or your organisation money by registering before then.

The 6th Scientific Meeting starts on the 24 May at 1300hrs and finishes on the 25 May at 1300hrs.

IPCRG Qualitative Research School

We are holding a Research School: An Introduction to Qualitative Research in Primary Care, immediately before the Scientific Meeting and this can be booked separately when registering. The Research School is designed for clinicians and early career researchers who want to gain theoretical and practical experience of qualitative research. The second day will focus on interviewing skills.

The outcome of the School will be for each team or individual attending to write and present a qualitative research proposal for entry into an IPCRG prize that will include cash up to €10,000 and mentoring to enable the project to be implemented.

The Research School starts on 23 May at 1300hrs and finishes on 24 May at 1200hrs. Presentation to the judges will take place on the morning of Saturday 25 May and the prize will be awarded at the closing session of the Scientific Meeting on Saturday 25 May between 1205hrs and 1245hrs.

Following the Research School, there is an Early Careers’ Researchers Meeting, which will be ideal opportunity to share experiences and network with like-minded colleagues!

Bursaries available

Within IPCRG we have a small budget that can be used to help fund delegates hoping to attend the 6th Scientific Meeting. It is aimed at those who have submitted an abstract and/or those from a low or middle income country. Please email Sam Louw, IPCRG Business Manager (BusinessManager@theipcrg.org) with details of the support you require in order to attend the meeting in Bucharest.

There is more information on the 6th Scientific Meeting including the programme, important travel, accommodation and visa requirements on our conference website. Please follow this link. You can also follow us on twitter @IPCRG #IPCRGBucharest.

We hope you will join us in Bucharest for the 6th Scientific Meeting, preceded by the Research School for all respiratory researchers, as we work together to improve the care we offer people with respiratory conditions in primary care.

With our best wishes,

Catalina Panaitescu and Cristina Isar

IPCRG Organising Committee