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Internship Opportunity

Each semester and summer, the Southport Historical Society provides an opportunity for a student intern to participate in the management and development of the Susie Carson Research Room collections. This internship will include collection handling, creating digital records for an online database, photography and social media posts about the project.

Southport Historical Society

Student Internship Program

The Southport Historical Society (SHS) offers an opportunity for currently enrolled undergraduate and/or graduate students to intern in the Society’s Susie Carson Research Room (SCRR).

 Program Overview

The overarching goals of the SHS internship program are to enhance the student’s educational experiences, as well as meet the needs of the SCRR. The internship program helps students gain valuable experience and prepare for careers.  Internships help familiarize students with the realities of career paths, make professional contacts and build resumes.  Students who intern at the SCRR are assigned to the director of the SCRR.  Student interns at the SCRR work on diverse and challenging projects that allow them to integrate knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with the experience gained by doing a project that provides a positive impact on the SCRR.  The internship is usually the length or equivalent of an academic term, may be part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid.

 Minimum requirements

The student must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate level program working toward a degree in one of the social studies or other related field. The candidate must have basic knowledge of computer databases, a passion for history and an interest in learning about collections management and outreach.

 Academic Credit

As most students are interested in obtaining credit for their internship time, it is the responsibility of the student to convey all their university/college’s internship requirements to the director of the SCRR, prior to beginning the internship.  Within the first two weeks of the internship, the student will prepare an internship plan that addresses the academic requirements of their university/college and the needs of the SCRR.  The plan must be reviewed and approved by the director of the SCRR and the student’s faculty supervisor.  The SCRR wants to ensure that all university/college requirements are met for the university that the student is attending.

 Example Projects:

 To Apply: Send your resume and a letter of application to the