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"The Way it Was"

Originated by the STATE PORT PILOT LINK on March 1, 1967, the photographs and captions in the very popular weekly

 "The Way It Was" column provide readers with a magic carpet ride through Southport's history. 

The Way It Was 

Columns By Decade

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The Southport Historical Society would like to thank THE STATE PORT PILOT LINK  for generously granting the Society permission to include the "The Way It Was" columns and other clippings on this website.  Many of the photos are published in "The Way It Was" collection, hard bound copies of which are available at the State Port Pilot office. 

Over 400 clippings of the "The Way It Was" columns were donated in 1988 to the SHS by Nancy Leford in memory of her father Karl S. Vickers.

Permission to view these materials is not permission to publish them.  See Copyright Permission for more information.