PC configuration GUI

First of all , before installation of GUI (Graphic User Interface) please download and install .NET Framework from MS :

.NET 3.5 SP1:  http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=25150

.NET 4.0 :       http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851

Component Megaload need .NET for proper work, however a lot various programs use .NET as base for run . 

Also IMU_sim program for sending test commands to OSD need .NET Framework installed on PC . 

PC configuration program(GUI) is available to download form Paul's web side:


Or download PC GUI at bottom of this web side or from 10. Downloads

After installing PC GUI please go View-> Fonts and select  1_60_font or 1_61_font  if you use, it is default font table programmed into any OSD unit , so must be selected also in GUI as default . 

If you want to use other font table or use your custom edited , remember to upload this font table to OSD , so that what you see at GUI will be displayed at OSD .

Now you can start to read about GUI at  HappyKillmore's web side 

IMPORTANT:  HappyKillmore's web side do not exist any more , but  at bottom of this web side you can download a backup/copy of website got from "Wayback Mashine", so after unzip ,look offline mode html in your browser.  

BTW when we talk about HappyKillMore , I must say about very nice software he wrote - Ground Control Station .

It is very nice piece of software supporting many data formats transmitted from flying devices .

To look and download GCS please go there http://code.google.com/p/happykillmore-gcs/

BTW ... Let me express somehow my deep personal impression about connection(by internet) with Paul's personality as PC programmer.

I said - can you "play" on "PC piano"

He said  - "yes I know some notes"

Can you made some basic melody ?

He said - "OK I'll try"

And Paul starts to "play on PC" similar to that one on piano ..............  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9DhONWdIp4

That way OSD GUI become :)  .