
'The Big Green'

© 2009 Michael Reilly.  All Rights Reserved.


Here are the particulars concerning the screenplay Jenks Norwalk and I wrote and optioned to Paul Aaron but which is currently available:


'The Big Green'



A comedy in which two down-and-out scoundrels commandeer a dilapidated, soon to be scuttled, World War II Aircraft Carrier in Hawaii, re-christen it ‘The Big Green’ and head for Japan.

Their plan is to stop at a small island,  cover the flight deck in sod and palm trees, and create the World's only floating golf course!

‘The Big Green’ © 2005 Reilly & Norwalk. 

WGA-E Registered. All Rights Reserved.

 * * *

If you would like to read the screenplay,

email us and put: 

"Book Me on The Big Green" 

in the subject line.

(See 'Contact Info' Below)

Or, if you have some actual business connection to the movies and would like to read some of our unpublished written properties, please get in touch!

Email us with the subject line: 

"Yes! Movie Biz!"  

Send us your bona fides.

Or your fona bides...

Contact: reilly4puzzles(at)yahoo(DOT)com