From “NOT SELF” to “NO SELF”

"International Reflector Retreat Live" with Nisarg

October 14 - 22  2023

suggested arrival time Oct. 12 and departure Oct. 24 >

On the island of Corfu - Greece

Retreat from what?

From the world of human energy… 

However colorful, pleasurable or painful it may be – we take it all in… experience and express it amplified and become either dependent or struggle with it or both.

In the first 7 years of our lives we received a deep, cellular conditioning in all these open centers from the people (parents, grandparents, teachers etc.) who provided everything we needed to stay alive.

We learned to identify with these conditioned energies as if they were our own and our minds started creating survival strategies in all those open centers to fulfill the so called needs of this artificially created Identity. In Human Design it is called: “NOT SELF” which I jokingly nicknamed “High Security Prison” with our mind functioning as a more or less rigid or liberal prison director. 

All other types have a consistent energy which we could call: "TRUE SELF" and it is their own energy that is being used to sustain their “NOT SELF SURVIVAL SECURITY SYSTEM” and by doing so they experience their themes of anger, frustration and bitterness. The reflector does not have a consistent “TRUE SELF” energy they can zap into. In order for the “NOT SELF” to stay alive it needs to have access to the energy of the other types. And if a reflector seeks out and holds onto people for survival oriented security reasons suggested by their conditioned “NOT SELF MIND” they encounter the theme of disappointment over and over again even if they manage to work hard on pleasing the people they think they need in order to survive.For a reflector to let go of their grip on their “NOT SELF SURVIVAL SECURITY SYSTEM” is a bit like a free- fall with nowhere consistent to land… and can be scary at first – but oh so gratifyingly liberating.

And where does a reflector land? In a spacious place that I call “NO SELF”, where the only consistency is this fluid, forever changing yet recognizable connected-ness to a greater movement which is orchestrated by the monthly cycle of the moon.

And how can that happen? By retreating from the aura of the other types completely for some time. This is a bit like an energetic detox – a cleaning can happen naturally; and a healing. If no food is given to the “NOT SELF” the reflector can land and click into his/her spacious “NO SELF” and experience the security and strength that comes from being grounded within his/her own unique frequency.

Each type carries a certain frequency that they need to be attuned to. Spending time with each other exclusively accelerates this process of attunement.

Other types can meet more easily – there are so many more of them. Where I live there are no other reflectors I know of. When I teach HD I am mostly the only example in the room. It is the 8th time in the course of 12 years that I am facilitating an “International Reflector Retreat Live” – this time there will be space for roughly 15 reflectors to come together to air and share themes like: