[Announcement] RT-Xen has been upgraded to be based on Xen 4.6

Post date: Nov 30, 2015 12:34:52 AM

I'm happy to announce that we have upgraded RT-Xen 2.0, which was based on Xen 4.5-unstable, to RT-Xen 2.2, which is based on the latest release of Xen (i.e., Xen 4.6).

The upgraded RT-Xen has the following improvements and features:

1) RT-Xen 2.2  supports both RM and EDF scheduling policy. 

​     ​EDF scheduling policy is the default scheduling policy in RTDS scheduler since Xen 4.5;  We reimplements the RM scheduling policy inside the RTDS scheduler in Xen 4.6. This effort is to improve the efficiency of the implementation of the RM scheduling policy and synchronize RT-Xen with latest Xen;

   With the above changes,  RT-Xen 2.2 renames its scheduler from  "rtglobal" to "rtds".

2) RT-Xen 2.2 supports switching the scheduling policy between RM and EDF on the fly. 

3) RT-Xen 2.2 supports setting/getting per-VCPU parameters of each VM. The default toolstack for the RTDS scheduler in Xen can also work on RT-Xen 2.2​.​

​The source code can be downloaded from the branch "rtxen-v2.2-full-feature" at git repo https://github.com/PennPanda/RT-Xen .

To use this new scheduler, you need to boot RT-Xen into RTDS scheduler. 

The help information of the toolstack can be printed out by typing the command "xl sched-rtds -h". 

Kudos to Tianyang Chen [1], a master student in the PRECISE lab at the University of Pennsylvania, for his hard working in making this happen.

[1] Tianyang Chen's website: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~tiche/


Meng ​


Meng Xu

PhD Student in Computer and Information Science

University of Pennsylvania
