1. Q: When you image followed the video in installation part to create a guest domain and has the error: 

xenconsole: Could not read tty from store: No such file or directory

libxl: error: libxl_exec.c:118:libxl_report_child_exitstatus: console child [0] exited with error status 2

    A: If you add the earlyprintk=xen as the extra command line for Linux kernel of domU you want to create, you will find the error above is caused by the kernel panic inside domU. In other words, it's because the linux kernel image "vmlinuz" and "initrd.gz" has bug. You can replace them to the image in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/xen/vmlinuz and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/xen/initrd.gz. After that, you can use `xl create -c ubuntu.cfg` to create the guest domain's image again.

2. Q: Can I run rtglobal EDF/RM scheduler as partitioned EDF/RM scheduler?

    A: Yes, you can. You can just use command "xl vcpu-pin" to pin each VCPU to its specified CPU. Then each CPU will only run the VCPUs pinned to it. 

3. Q: Can I use RT-Xen 2.x on uniprocessor?

    A: Yes. You can use RT-Xen 2.x to run the uniprocessor scheduling algorithms. You just need to pin all VCPUs to the same core.

4. Q: After I boot into RT-Xen, I see black screen. How should I fix this?

    A: If you still see black screen when you boot into Xen default credit scheduler, it is not the problem of RT-Xen. It may be caused by misconfiguration of your dom0 on Xen. You can try to compile Xen (not RT-Xen) and see if the black screen problem still occurs.

         If you won't see black screen when you boot into Xen default credit scheduler, you can increase the memory allocated to dom0 at the boot entry. In other words, you can replace the grub line "multiboot /boot/xen.gz placeholder dom0_max_vcpus=4 dom0_vcpus_pin dom0_mem=512M sched=rtglobal" with "multiboot /boot/xen.gz placeholder  sched=rtglobal" to allow dom0 to use all memory in the system.