Read Text 0.8.78



The latest version of the application installed with Ubuntu LTS now supports the SourceForge library, so it can show the application python major version, minor version and patch level as a tooltip whether using the normal system Office suite, a Snap release or a Flatpak release.

When using the "(PIPER_READ_TEXT_PY)" --language (SELECTION_LANGUAGE_COUNTRY_CODE) "(TMP)" command, the About dialog suggests using the Pied app to install and manage Piper voice models.

If you use the Pied app to manage Piper voice models after already having installed voice models manually, the Piper client no longer tries to create virtual links to replace hard linked files.

Rhasspy Piper Server

Rhasspy Piper is a fast, local neural text to speech system. 

A local network server version of Rhasspy Piper Server can serve a single voice model to different devices for a home network as an assistant to home automation devices or as a speech synthesis system for computer desktop applications that cannot run a locally installed piper program or model.

This Rhasspy Piper network client will only work correctly if the language of the model that it serves is the same as the language locale of the user. Use "(NETWORK_READ_TEXT_PY)" "(TMP)". Use a specific local network address to access a Rhasspy server that you host on another computer in your home network. For example,  with the default Piper server settings, you could use "(NETWORK_READ_TEXT_PY)" --url --voice piper "(TMP)".

When running the piper server in a command line window, it shows the following warning:

WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.

You can find out more about installing and using the server on the GitHub Rhasspy project site.

See also:

Rhvoice Server

Correct a default string value.


Version 0.8.79

Works with Apache OpenOffice 4.1


Version 0.8.78

Works with LibreOffice 7 and 3.4

About Read Text Dialog Tooltip shows the bundled python version.

About Read Text 0.8.78 Dialog - LibreOffice Version: 24.2.3 - AppImage Release - Debian 12 Cinnamon Desktop

LibreOffice MacOS 14.5 Dialog showing the advanced setting to use Rhasspy Piper speech synthesis server running on a Linux computer.

Read Text 0.8.78 Dialog using Piper TTS Server running on a local Debian 12 Linux machine- LibreOffice Version: 24.2.2 - MacOS 14.5