Read Text 0.8.66




Mycroft Mimic3

Mimic3 is a fast local neural text to speech engine for amd64, arm64 and armv7l processors. It’s available as an apt package for Debian or as a image.

Read Mimic3 documentation and requirements for more details.


CoquiAI TTS engine is a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, mainly intended for use in research and production services. It includes a tool called tts-server that uses a local http service to allow web browsers and other programs that can connect to a local http server to convert text to speech. With the Read Text Extension network client you can check how new TTS models work with real world text. See tts-server --help

A server instance only serves one model at a time, but you can specify the language by selecting a model that includes the iso language code for the language in the model name. See tts-server --list_models

If you do not specify a model, then the server uses a female en-US model by default.

Example server commands

Check the documentation for specific hardware and software requirements. Some voice models require system files that are not explicitly stated in the documentation. Best practice is to use TTS python libraries in a virtual environment by installing TTS using venv, pipx or tools. You can use the web page interface to test if the server works and if there are any problems with a particular voice model. If a model does not work at all, run the tts-server program in a command window and note any error messages that mention missing libraries or system packages.

Read Text Extension's python TTS client uses a few additional system packages - python3-bs4, python3-pip, pipx and espeak-ng. On supported Ubuntu distributions you can use:

sudo apt-get install python3-bs4 python3-pip pipx espeak-ng

To troubleshoot the server and the client, you can see information and error messages when you run the server and office program using separate terminal windows.

Enable TTS server in the office program using the main Read Text Extension dialog with


If you prefer normally the system’s speech-dispatcher voice as your main speech manager and tts-server for an unsupported secondary language, then use


Read CoquiAI TTS Documents and CoquiAI GitHub pages for more details about the CoquiAI project and tts-server.


Version 0.8.67

Works with Apache OpenOffice 4.1


Version 0.8.66

Works with LibreOffice 7 and 3.4

Mimic 3 Demonstration and Control webpage

Use the Mycroft mimic3-server webpage to preview voice models and install new ones.

Coqui TTS web demonstration page

Use the tts-server webpage to check the features and quality of the active voice model.