WED 1830 NET SCRIPT - Rev03
(Watch time and ID every 10 minutes)
Morning or Evening, we never know when an emergency will occur. This is the Rancho Bernardo Auxiliary Communications Service (RBACS) / Rancho Bernardo Emergency Radio Service (RBERS) Emergency Preparedness Net. We were the first Emergency Group in San Diego to conduct a net on Emergency Preparedness.
This net will have topics of interest to those involved in Emergency Response and Personal Preparation prior to an actual emergency.
This is (Name) (Call Sign) and I will be your net control for tonight.
This is your net so send any comments and suggestions for future net topics to RBERS@live.com. Romeo Bravo Echo Romeo Serria@live.com.
All Amateurs are welcome to participate in this net.
This is a directed net and all communications should go through net control.
We will break at any time for emergency traffic and will assist if needed.
Do we have any emergency or priority traffic?
Hearing none I would like to thank the repeater owners who have allowed us the use of their repeaters for this net and their support of emergency communications.
Ok let's review the net format.
1st. We will take check ins on this repeater
147.03 MHz (+) 103.5 PL.
2nd. We will present the topic of the night which is:
(Give the title of tonight's topic)
If you have access to the web, google “RBERS ham radio” for our web site. Click on the link for “This Months net info” for information and links related to tonight's net.
Let's start taking check ins of those who checked in on previous nets starting with.
Are there any others wishing to check in.
We will take approximately 5 at a time
(Acknowledge each check-in)
Are there any others wishing to check in.
That concludes our checkin.
Ok now for tonight's topic.
I will give a brief review of the topic and then open it up for discussion and comments.
(Give the overview and history of tonight's topic)
Any comments please call with your suffix.
(Continue until there are no further comments or discussion)
If we have no additional comments we will make our closing comments.
This is your net and we thank you for your participation. Remember to send any comments or topic suggestion to RBERS@live.com.
I would again like to thank the repeater owners for allowing us to use their repeaters.
RBACS/RBERS has a monthly Breakfast meeting at the Rancho Bernardo IHOP at 7:30AM on the 2nd Sat of the month.
We also have a simplex net every sat on 145.55 at 0800 except the 2nd sat of the month.
On Monday nights our SORT Group holds a net at 7:00 PM on FRS/GMRS channel 7 followed by a CB channel 31 net.(Due to differences in FRS/GMRS radios and to have the best usage we do use and do not recommend the use of privacy codes on the FRS/GMRS radios).
You can review information on our web site by googling RBERS Ham Radio.
This concludes tonight's net. And the frequency is released for normal usage.
(Call Sign)