About me

Ivan Vladimirovich Karasev (Russian: Иван Владимирович Карасёв, b. February 22, 1970, Krasnodar) is a Russian writer and poet, member of the Union of Russian Writers (the assignee Union of Soviet Writers), member of the Union of Russian Journalists. His usually short stories carry the outward conventions of the magic realism genre, however those are used to construct involved, multi-layered folklore texts, fusing together elements of horror fiction.After high school Karasev received a degree in physics of low temperatures from the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute. In 1999 were published his books “The Circle Terrestrial” (poems) and “Whirlia” (short stories). In 2001 in Krasnodar he held the I Scientific-practical conference of pupils "First steps in science" with the NGO “Heritage Kirlian”. Now he works in a Russian government daily newspaper “Rossiyskaya gazeta”.

Karsev is the creator of the Arahau constructed language. Arahau is typologically polysynthetic and active. It has turned out to have similarities with Basque and Nakh-Dagestanian languages. Karasev's other linguistic project (Sunilinus) is based on palindromes.


Whirlia / Выря (1999): The Cypress-tree Bed / Кипарисовое ложеFrail Lizard / Хрупкая ящеркаThe King’s White Horse / Белая лошадь короляThe Black Pearl / Черная жемчужинаThe Writing Lion / Пишущий левThe Circle Terrestrial / Круг земной (1999)Gospel According to Dark / Евангелие от Мрака (2007)Maxim Bogdanovich. Verses (translation from Belorussian)Black Pearl / Черная жемчужина (2011)


The Alphabet as a Mirror of a Human Civilization (1998)

Etymology of a Word “Caucasus” (1998)

Fonts in Mufti and Letters in Bast Sandals (2004)

Philosophical Sight at Evolution of Ecological Ideas (1999)

Our World was born from Wool (2004)

Linguistic works

Dictionary of Grammatology, in Russian

Arahau. Experience of Speedtalk (2006)

Sunilinus. When the Universe were as Great palindrome

External links

Catalog of Karasev's articles in the "Rossiyskaya gazeta" (in Russian)

Site of Ivan Karasev (in Russian)

Alexe Rău, Abordarea scrierii de către ştiinţe, HTML «Magazin bibliologic», 2008, №1-2.

I. Karasev, Reprezentări grafice relative la filosofia scrisului. Situaţia gramatologică în lumea contemporană // Alexe Rău, Scrisul ca expresie a conştiinţei şi cale de cunoaştere a fiinţării, Chişinău, 2009

Maciej St. Zięba, Transkrypcja i transliteracja niełacińskich systemów pisma. Euroanaliz. Lublin.

Василенко С.Л., Числонавтика. Снилось ли такое Пифагору?, Харьков, 2009

Рецензия к.т.н. А. Корнеева на исследование И. Карасева «Эйдетика первоцифр», 2010

Авдоев Т.В., Историко-теософский аспект езидизма. Становление и развитие



Савва Е., Савва М., Воздействие печатных СМИ на состояние межэтнических отношений (на примере Краснодарского края)

Т. Титова, Антропоморфизм в научном познании // Антропологическая соразмерность. II Всероссийская научная конференция, Казань, 2010

Хатиашвили Х. А., Амирэджиби Н. М., К вопросу о машинном переводе и функционировании электронных словарей // Тбилисский государственный университет имени Иванэ Джавахишвили

Васильев И. Ю., Карасёв И. В., Постфольклор журналистской среды Кубани: типология и социальные функции // Вторичные формы традиционной народной культуры. Материалы научно-практической конференции, Краснодар, 2010.

Васильев И. Ю., Карасёв И. В., Традиции и профессиональный фольклор журналистов (на материале Кубани) // "Живая старина", №3, 2011.

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