The Titanic

Fleeing Siam, the Caldwells took a ship through the Indian Ocean to Naples. Sylvia was seasick. Naples was struggling with cholera. They couldn't go through with their plans for Sylvia to take the "rest-cure" in Naples. What were they to do? They thought about taking the first ship they saw heading for the United States -- there was one in Naples harbor, flying the American flag, which meant the ship was leaving for America that day. It was the Carpathia. Much too small a ship, said seasick Sylvia.

Then they saw a placard advertising the largest ship in the world, the Titanic. "That's the ship we're taking," Albert said. Sylvia was thrilled -- she was sure she would not be seasick on such a huge ship.

They heard all the hype. The Titanic was unsinkable. It was also very popular. When they arrived in London and went to buy tickets, it was sold out -- at least in second class. It was only by patience that the Caldwells got a cancelled ticket. They thought they were the luckiest people in the world!

The postcard of the Titanic pictured here was sent by the Caldwells to the Conybeares after the Titanic sank. Thanks to Anne Conybeare Trach and Marcia A. Trach for loaning it to me. The photo is copyrighted.