Staying COVID-Safe

Staying Safe: Social Distancing & Hand Hygiene


The coronavirus pandemic has produced the requirement for record-keeping of visits to Barrett House, increased hand hygiene and the promotion of physical distancing. 

Policy Recommendations

The main policy recommendations are: 

When public health restrictions require, the group will ensure all members are safe inside the house by 

The group will also ensure all members are safe outside the house when they pick-up their boxes by

When required, a COVID-safe monitor (usually the divvy co-ordinator) will be appointed for each shop night to ensure members are aware of and comply with these practices.

Actions we should take

There are a range of actions we should take to help support public policy and ensure the safety of our community. To this end we are following COVID-safe food policy at all times and will update these measures if restrictions increase (including cancelling Shop Night if necessary).

We will adopt the following measures at each Shop Night as required to support public policy: