"The Word" by Wally Swist

The Word

after Pathwork Lecture, No. 233,

“The Power of the Word,”

channeled by Eva Pierrakos,

September 25, 1975

The word is the sum total

of what you believe, whatever

it is that you are; it carries the tone

of whatever ethos you exhibit,

what colors expand in your aura,

the arrangement of what planets

orbit around any sun, or whether

or not there is one exercising

the draw of its gravitational force.

The word is the master switch,

the soul’s lever, what illuminates

the flash of the spirit,

what energizes cosmic design.

The word expands within the dust

of the brushstrokes from God’s

hand to Adam’s in Michelangelo’s

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel;

its images shimmer in the vibrant

combination of pastels in the oils

of a painting by Seurat, in which,

as he intended, we discover

harmony in emotion; it emanates

from the perpetuity in not only

the slant but also in the fragrance

of the falling of autumn rain

carved in Hiroshige’s woodblocks.