The Indestructible H6

H6 5988 has proven recently to be indestructible. After 2 incidents in 2013 and 2014 has itself proven, we took it to the Test Labs of Equestria in Canterlot we tried everything, explosives, magic, Celestia, and everything. I, Brookie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, The PTC Team, Andy Byford, The Mane 6, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Hawker-Siddeley Equestria Developement, PTDC Development, Thorax the friendly changeling, the MTA Team, The CTA Team, The Translink Vanhoover Team, Bombardier Transportation Equestria, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, The Mayor of Ponyville, Bon Bon, Colgate, DJ Pon3, Spike, and YouRockEDCP were amazed on how the PTDC H6 5988 remained in tact through everything. PTDC states that “we have accidentally put in some protective shelding inside and outside the train.” I responded with “Oh it’s ok, I bet every operator is gonna be attempting to obtain this train to drive on the PTC tracks.” And they did.