Noticeable Incidents

The System Has Been Around Since 1955 And some Incidents are clearly noticeable. Here are the Incidents that the System was near

Name of Incident: Siren(s) Present:

The Changling Invasion of 1955-1966 All Sirens

The Changling Invasion of 1967-1977 All Sirens

The Friendship Express Derailment Of 1979 COF Thunderbolt 1000

The Tornado Outbreak Of 1981 All Sirens

The Changling Invasion of 1989 All Sirens

The Tornado Outbreak Of 1990 All Sirens

Small House Fire: 211 Dundas Street: 1991 PFD Cyclone

House Fires: Dupont Street: 1993 PFD Cyclone

The Changling Invasion of 1995 All Sirens

The Changling Invasion of 2000 All Sirens

The Friendship Express Derailment Of 2001 Ponyville Station P-50

The 2007 Hearths Warming Eve Failure All Sirens

The 2007 Shugarcube Corner Fire SUC 1003 And PFD Cyclone

The Changling Invasion of 2009 All Sirens

House Fires: Rodrick Avenue: 2010 PFD Modulator

Small House Fire: 221 Dupont Av: 2011 Dupont Modulator

The Incident of 2012 All Sirens

The Changling Invasion of 2012 All Sirens

The Shine Of 2013 All Sirens

The Tirek Invasion Of 2014 All Sirens

The 2015 Hurricane Outbreak All Sirens

The Changling Invasion of 2016 All Sirens

The Hurricanes Of 2017 All Electronic Sirens

The Blizzard Of 2018 All Sirens