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Protestant Cork 1911-26 Click on menu
Articles and sources by Barry Keane
Chasing shadows- Peter Hart, John Regan, Eve Morrison, Gerard Murphy, the Record of the Rebellion and the Dunmanway killings- updated 20 September 2014
Comparative Age Pyramid Church of Ireland & remaining Protestant Episcopleans in 1926
Contact Barry Keane
Cork's Revolutionary Dead
Dunmanway Murders Census returns 1911
Dunmanway Murders Some contemporary reports
Dunmanway Murders Timeline
Google map of Hornibrook and Dunmanway Killings
Main denominations Population pyramids for Cork 1911
Map 1 Protestant Population % Map Cork 1911 (by DED)- click on image to reduce
Map 2 Protestant Population % Map Cork 1936
Map 3 Church of Ireland (excluding military) Population Cork 1902 by Parish
Map 4 Map of amalgamated Cork Church of Ireland parishes after Cole 1902
Mayo threatened attacks on Protestants in Castlebar and Ballina April & May 1922
Migration (Estimated) between Northern Ireland and Irish Free State 1911-1926 (also 1901-1911 FS/NI)
Protestant Civilians killed in Cork 1920-1923
Protestant Cork decline 1911-1926 Murders, Mistakes, Myths,and Misinformation updated 14th April 2013
Recent announcements
Roman Catholic & Church of Ireland children per wife abstracted from the 1911 Census of Ireland
Statistical Analysis of Protestant decline in Cork 1911-1926
Summary Courts of Inquiry Irish War of Independence
Table #1 British Military in Cork Barracks 1881-1911
Table #2 Church of Ireland and Church of England Population 1911, and approximate CI % decline 1911-1926 by County
Table #3 Major Landholders Cork 1884 and 1911 with approximate religious breakdown for 1911
The IRA and Loyalist Cooperation with British forces in Cork 1920-1922
The Undead: Cork's missing War of Independence Freemasons final update 2018
Protestant Cork 1911-26 Click on menu
Dunmanway Murders Census returns 1911
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