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Professor Luciano de Oliveira Daniel da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) é autor de Capítulo de livro sobre ensino na área de Engenharia Elétrica pela editora Edgard Blücher.

Livro: Práticas pedagógicas remotas em Engenharia: fundamentos e estudos de casos : volume 1 / organizado por Ademar Gonçalves da Costa Junior [et al]. – São Paulo : Blucher, 2024. 260 p. : il. (SBA Press)

ISBN 978-85-212-2184-5

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Matéria sobre tempestades solares: O fenômeno pode nos afetar de diversas formas: positivas, na forma de auroras boreais, ou negativas, com efeitos nas ondas eletromagnéticas que interferem nas comunicações. “No nosso Sol, ocorrem diversas explosões nucleares, onde átomos de hidrogênio se transformam em átomos de hélio. Estes processos são muito energéticos e liberam quantidades astronômicas de energia, comparáveis a bilhões de bombas termonucleares”, afirma Luciano de Oliveira Daniel, professor de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). 

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XV SEPOPE - Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, March 17, 2022 - In this work, some types of control were discussed for connecting the microgrid to the main power distribution grid and simulations (PSCAD) of disturbances within the microgrid (including events that cause unbalance between the phases, such as single-phase short circuit). In addition to the simulations, the main challenges in the implementation of microgrids in Brazil were discussed.

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at IAS/PES-UFF Webinar, Google Meet August 4, 2020 - Simulação de Transitórios Eletromecânicos de Sistemas de Potência.

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at IEEE Webinar, Google Meet June 26, 2020 - Modal Analysis (Small Signal) of Electrical Systems Containing HVDC Links.

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November 10, 2019 - The paper entitled "The New Software ANAHVDC for Simulation of Multiple HVDC Links of the Brazilian Interconnected Power System Considering Electromechanical and Electromagnetic Transients", where Professor Luciano de Oliveira Daniel is co-author, receive the merit for the best paper in the "GAT" Group of XXV SNPTEE, Cigré-Brasil, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil.

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October 22, 2019 Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XIX SEMENDE Niterói-RJ - The objective was to present the main characteristics of IoT (Internet of Things), to show examples of related devices (Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry, among others) and to discuss the present and future challenges for Engineers in this context.

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October 17, 2019 - Professor Dr. Luciano de Oliveira Daniel (UFF) evaluated the master dissertation of student Rodrigo Godim de Azevedo at the Fluminense Federal University. Also participating in the evaluation were: Dr. Sergio Gomes Junior (CEPEL / UFF), Dr. Thiago M. A. Parreiras (CEPEL), Dr. Bruno S. M. Borba (UFF), Dr. Robson F. S. Dias (COPPE / UFRJ).

Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XVIII ERIAC June 21, 2019 - This work proposes a new computer modelling methodology for time domain electromagnetic transient simulations in power systems, where the focus is the dynamic performance analysis of FACTS equipment.

Reactive power in non-linear and unbalanced electrical systems.

(By Luciano Daniel,August 5, 2018)

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What are dynamic phasors? (By Luciano Daniel,July 20, 2018).

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel PhD Thesis Defense at COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro-RJ June 29, 2018 - Electromagnetic Transient Simulator using Dynamic Phasors for Non-Linear Analysis of Electrical Networks with FACTS Equipment.

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The researcher Luciano de Oliveira Daniel, from the Electrical Networks Department (DRE) of Cepel, defends his PhD thesis in Power Electronics by the Electric Engineering Program (PEE) of COPPE / UFRJ, next Friday, June 29, 2018 at 2 pm, at the PEE Auditorium (H322).

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The researcher Luciano de Oliveira Daniel, from the Electrical Networks Department (DRE) of Cepel, received a tribute for completing 10 years working at Cepel. December 13, 2017, at the high-voltage lab installations, Adrianópolis, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XXIV SNPTEE October 24, 2017 - Linear analysis helps to identify unstable modes of a system containing a HVDC link, including the separate identification of electromechanical modes and possible unstable modes of dc link control. In this work is presented a study of the application of stabilizers on the inverter system side of a HVDC link with the usual control strategies.

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From March 7 to 9, 2017, Luciano de Oliveira Daniel, from the Electrical Networks Department, provided training on the ANATEM Program (Electromechanical Transient Analysis) for the CEEAC technical staff. The course was held at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) campus in Rio Branco.

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel Professor Honored by the graduating class of Electrical Engineering at UFF, Niterói-RJ October 14, 2016.

Luciano de Oliveira Daniel lectures at IEEE WEEK, Fluminense Federal University (UFF) Niterói-RJ.

(By Luciano Daniel,October 20, 2015)

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at MME - Ministério de Minas e Energia (Governo Federal do Brasil), Brasília-DF (January 26 to 30, 2015).

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at CEMIG - Electrical Energy Research Center, Belo Horizonte-MG.

(March 18 to 21, 2014)

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at CEPEL - Electrical Energy Research Center, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

(October 7 to 10, 2013)

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at CIGRÉ Colloquium October 2, 2013 - The objective is to illustrate how linear analysis can help identifying unstable modes of a system containing an HVDC link, including a separate identification of electromechanical modes and possible unstable control modes of the DC link. Then a designed HVDC control system will be used to stabilize a low damping electromechanical mode.

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Cepel researchers will participate in the XV Iberian-American Meeting (Eriac), promoted by Cigré-Brasil, betweenMay 19 and 23, 2013 in Foz do Iguaçu (PR). This edition of the event, organized by Itaipu Binacional, aims to discuss the main technological innovations of the power system.

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Itaipu power plant:

Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at CEMAR - Companhia Energética do Maranhão, São Luiz-MA

(November 6 to 8, 2012)

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at CEPEL - Electrical Energy Research Center, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

(By Luciano Daniel,September 18 to 20, 2012)

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XII SEPOPE May 23, 2012 - The linearized model of the VSC-BTB was validated by comparison with an equivalent model simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC and the results can be considered satisfactory. Linear analysis can be applied to cases involving more complex ca networks, where there are strong interactions (resonances) involving VSC-BTB and network or other FACTS devices in the network.

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Luciano de Oliveira Daniel teaching in the ANATEM course at CEPEL - Electrical Energy Research Center, Rio de Janeiro-RJ

(By Luciano Daniel,November 29 to 31, 2011)

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The researcher Luciano de Oliveira Daniel, from the Electrical Networks Department (DRE) of Cepel, receive the merit for the best paper in the "GAT" Group of XXI SNPTEE, Cigré-Brasil, Florianópolis-SC, Brazil. October 25, 2011

Luciano de Oliveira Daniel oral presentation at XX SNPTEE November 23, 2009 - VSC-based equipment provides the electrical system with greater flexibility, reliability and efficiency.

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Cepel TNA (Transient Network Analyzer) is inactivated on March 24, 2006 - While the analyzers could provide real-time simulation of events, with no concerns about numeric stability of algorithms, the analyzers were costly, inflexible, and limited in the number of buses and lines that could be simulated.