
Luciano de Oliveira Daniel received his B.Sc. degree (2004) in electrical engineering from UFJF, M.Sc. degree (2011) and Ph.D. degree (2018) from COPPE/UFRJ. He has worked in the Electric System National Operator (ONS), in the Electrical Energy Research Center (CEPEL) and is currently a professor at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). He has 19 years of experience in electrical studies in power systems (load flow, short circuit, transient stability and modal analysis), mathematical modeling and analysis of HVDC and FACTS equipment in electromechanical and electromagnetic transient programs. His current research interests include VSC (Voltage Source Converter) applications, electromagnetic transients (mathematical modeling) involving HVDC and FACTS and energy quality.

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Last modified: June, 2024