Process Classification

The process classification identifies key processes and key activities of running a business.

Process classification is the keystone, the cornerstone, the starting point and the anchor of strategic management process and process management.

The process classification can be expanded and adapted to the needs of the company. It is best to start with as few processes as possible and to add some others later. What is important is to maintain the logic of the process and to consolidate the processes that go together. It is also important to avoid repeating the same processes.

1. Strategy

1. Context analysis

2. Strategy development

3. Strategy implementation

4. Performance evaluation

2. Process

1. Research and development

2. Marketing and sale

3. Production and delivery

4. Customers services

3. Resources

1. Human

2. Technology

3. Material

4. Financial

4. Intangible factors

1. Leadership

2. Structure

3. Culture

4. Communications

Definition : « A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. » Wikipedia

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