Readers Cup UWC East Team 2011

Actual Competition: Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 4:00 PM

at SJI International Secondary School, 490 Thompson Road (3rd floor, Glass Hall)

NB: The secondary school driveway is the first one you come to -- the primary school driveway is the second one

List of whole team participating

Accompanying the team on the day will be Ms. Deborah Gordon (3DGo) and Mr. Bruce Home (4BHo)

The team will travel to the competition by school bus, but parents are responsible for picking up students at 6:00 pm.

NB: Parents and others are welcome to attend and be part of the audience.

Junior Cup

First team:

    • Amelia (2NTr)

    • Divya (2JuD0

    • Abha (3CHo)

    • Isabella (3DGo)

    • Rhea (3DGo)

    • Alice (4BHo)


    • Aishu (2JuD)

    • Ben (3DGo)

    • Siona (4KrM)

Supporters: All others

Middle Cup

First team:

    • Tanya (4BHo)

    • Nishta (4BHo)

    • Min Young (5LMe)

    • Seung Yeon (5LMe)

    • Lucas (5THa)

    • Yashi (6DSz)


    • Arnav (4BHo)

    • Mari (5LMe)

Supporters: All others

Link to Junior Cup TEST Questions

(one page/sheet per book)

    • Knights of the Lunch Table

    • Mr Stink

    • Mirror, Mirror

    • Madame Pamplemousse and her Incredible Edibles

    • Dying to Meet You

    • The Way Back Home (picture book)

Link to Middle Cup TEST Questions

(one page/sheet per book)

  • The Phoenix Files: The Arrival

  • Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

  • Nation

  • Leviathan

  • When You Reach Me

  • Schumann the Shoeman (picture book)

What is the Readers Cup Competition?

The Readers Cup is an annual competition run by the international school librarian network here in Singapore. Teams of students in three different age groups compete to see who can answer the most questions correctly about a set of books (chosen from the year's Red Dot Award shortlists).

Click here to go to the official Readers Cup webpage.

Last year UWCSEA East won the Middle Cup, though it is the kind of trophy that you have to return every year and try to win again. Otherwise we can't keep the trophy.

Who can participate?

Anyone can join the team, though not only 6 students actually sit at the Question Table at one time. There is a sign-up sheet in the library. If you show up to some practices and participate in quizzing each other about the books, you are on the team and can go to the competition.

When is the actual competition?

Thursday, May 19, 2011, at 4 PM.

Where will the actual competition be held?

The time is right after school. The location is SJI International in the Senior school -- in the Glass Hall on the 3rd floor.

How do we get to and from the competition?

We will leave on school buses right after school. The competition will end about 6 PM and your parents will need to pick you up at SJI International Secondary School. There will NOT be school buses coming back to the AMK campus.

Ms. Deb Gordon (3DGo) will be accompanying the team to the competition and will be in charge of the team. Her mobile telephone number is 9386-9319.

Mr. Bruce Home (4BHo) will be the master of ceremonies of the event.

What are the Junior books and what are the Middle books?

See the list above

Do I have to read ALL the books in one category?

No, just try to read as many as possible.

What can we do to prepare?

    • Read and re-read the books.

    • Try to come up with questions and add them to the Google Spreadsheet. (See links above)

    • Read through the sample questions and try to answer them.

    • Come to as many of the open practices as possible

    • Quiz each other!

How will the 6 people per team be chosen?

We have been doing practice quizzes in the library during Morning Break and Lunch Break -- and on Wednesday, May 18th, some final quizzes will be given. Then Ms. Day will select the 6-competitor groups and alternates.

Who gets to go to the actual competition? Just the 6 people on the team?

No, everyone will go to the competition. If you are not one of the 6 in the team answering the questions, you will be a supporter in the audience.

NB: Anyone can attend the competition and sit in the audience -- including parents.

This photo from last year's competition shows how the teams sit and collaborate to answer questions. The answers are written on an answer sheet, which is passed to the judges at the end of each round.

The competition is open to all interested schools in the region who can field one team in any or all divisions (per library in the case in multi-library schools) in each of the following divisions.

Junior - Grade 2, 3 & 4

Middle - Grade 4, 5, 6 & 7

Our winning team last year: