Unit 0 : Physics Tool Kit

I. Effective & Efficient learning

How do we acquire new knowledge? Understanding this will help you strategize efficent learning & remembering in ALL your classes!

Brain Process Practice: Area and Circumference of a circle

II. To jump into Physics and do well, there is some background knowledge that is needed, and is often assumed (incorrectly) that students already know...If you are NOT comfortable with the below, you will want to spend some extra time and effort learning and practicing them BEFORE we get into the "meat" of our Physics course! (Reference chapter 1 in your textbook)

A. Units: Physics (like all sciences) uses the SI system . The most common units we will use are length (meters) and mass (kilograms). You need to have a good feel for the MAGNITUDE (size) of these common units. What is YOUR mass (kg)? What is YOUR height (m)?

B. SI prefixes: SI units and their multiples are easier to work with than US (imperial) units (inches, feet, miles, pounds, etc) because they are all based on multiples of 10. The most common multiples we will use are centi (1/100) , milli (1/1000) , and kilo (1,000), but there is a wide selection available! How would you express your height in centimeters ? millimeters ? Your mass in grams? milligrams?

C. Dimensional Analysis: Units can be treated as algebraic quantities that should be used in all calculations and unit conversions because they are a check on correct problem setup (do the final units come out to what you expected?) Practice worksheet...

D. Significant Digits: A common error is calculating an answer that implies much more accuracy than the data that went into the calculation. If I divide 1.37 by 2.6, my calculator might show me 0.52692307692307692307692307692308‬, which implies WAY more precision than original measurements. The answer to a calculation should never be more precise than the least precise measurement. For this problem, I would report a calculated answer of 0.53 (The same number of sig figs as 2.6)

E. Mathematical patterns: It is standard to graph data measured in science experiments to look for trends and patterns. Correct graphing practice includes using consistent scale values (ex. 1 box = 20 cm) and labeling all units/axes.

Commonly found relationships


Lab 0: Pendulums. Most labs will be submitted electronically through Google Class. We will practice the format and process with "Lab Zero"

1. Open the lab here, use "Save As" TWICE, name one copy for this lab as "Pendulum_Your_Name" example "Pendulum_Dan_Rupert". Save a second copy as "Lab Template" so you can reuse for future labs!

2. With ''Pendulum" open, READ the two page template, then delete page 1 (it will still be in your Lab Template for reference!)

3. Together we will gather the raw data (always goes in YOUR notebook. NOT your partners notebook, not a loose piece of scrap paper, YOUR NOTEBOOK) then work on the electronic lab...Before we finish, make sure you know how to...

-Use Desmos (Enter data points, enter functions, format scales and axis titles, export images)

-Edit Google Sheets (Adjust formatting, add subscripts, superscripts, symbols) and upload into googleclass

-Follow the SCIENTIFIC METHOD...Your labs should always include the steps in the lab zero template!


What are you trying to find out? This should be a specific question that you can answer using facts that can be found and verified in a repeatable experiment.


Include how you designed your investigation. Include any procedures, materials, pictures or models you created to investigate your experimental question.


Include your data table(s) and graphs. Make sure that both your data table and graph have titles, units, and variables.


State your claim. Remember, your claim should answer your experimental question and be supported with your evidence. Does your graph indicate any trends or relationships? Can you describe the relationship mathematically?


Please refer to your lab handout for more detailed instructions about the discussion section. Your discussion must address those bullet points, including identifying limitations of your investigation, sources of error and how they affected your observations, and stating new questions that could lead to new scientific investigations.