Scratch activities

Use the "TIPS" tab at the top to try the different tutorials! I will check your programs in this order:

#1 "Make it fly". Incorporate original artwork that you create!

#2 "Race to the finish". After completing, race a classmate!

#3 "Make Music". Please use headphones while creating, after completing we will play for class!

#4 Your choice of either "pong game" or "catch game". Make the ball your head!

#5 Explore the "how to" library of tutorials-what looks fun? Discover how to create cool actions!


Programs you will turn in:

1. Graphics:

-Use the "pen" and "move" tools to create geometric shapes (triangle through octagon) in different colors

-Create a drawn scene of a house (square with triangle roof) Bonus: add details! (sun in sky, door in house, etc)

-Create an original drawing that includes varied line widths, colors, and repeated patterns. Ex. A flower!

2. Sounds:

-Create a story that is accompanied with matching sound effects (Ex Walking duck that quacks...NOT random noises!)

-Create at least 10 seconds of "cover" music classmates would recognize (school appropriate obviously)!

3. Variables: (Ref Scratch WIKI tutorial) Using "pong starter" at

-Add a variable that keeps track of successful hits in a row

-Add a variable that controls the speed of the ball, and increase it after each successful hit

4. Conditionals and sensing:

-Use If..Else to control movement of a character bouncing off the edges of the screen

-Create two characters who play "tag". One randomly moves around the screen, the other you control and try to "tag" the first

successful tags increment a "tag" variable keeping score

5. Culminating project-Creating an ORIGINAL game! (non-violent, in good taste please :)

Game should be interactive via keyboard or mouse, contain sounds indicating game actions, and be fun to play!

1. Storyboard your game in your notebook, get my initials

2. Break the actions into small chunks when you are coding!