Becoming a Sponsor

How much does it cost to build an electric car?

When we build a car from scratch we are allowed to spend $3400. We reuse as many components as possible, so we can spend as little as $1500 per car. After seeing the improved difference between a car with all new parts and one that has been recycled for many, many years, we try to build with new parts whenever financially feasible.

The school district provides the lab and advisers but no money to actually build the cars or travel to the events. Since this is a club, all the money used to run this program is raised by the students. We approach businesses and family members about sponsoring the electric car program. One of the most expense parts of our program is travel to events. Since there are only 2 events in Iowa each year, we need to travel to Nebraska, Michigan or Wisconsin. One weekend of travel out of state costs us well over $2000. Our goal is to raise enough money to build a new car with all new components and go out of state to compete.

How can you help Prairie Electric Car Team?

Prairie High School provides us with advisors and a lab to work in but students must acquire sponsors on their own. All funding must come from outside sources. A sponsor can supply us with materials (free or at a discount), food for event days, a service or labor and the sometimes easiest way, a monetary donation. If your employer has a matching funds program that is a great way to double your donation. Do you or a family member own your own business? Is there anyone you know that would be excited to be involved with the building of an electric car? If so, please contact Beth Smith at or 319-929-4181 for more information about being a Prairie Electric Car sponsor or parent advisor.