GRIP- January 19th
Post date: Jan 22, 2013 10:07:30 PM
Message: Philippians 3:14
Theme: Get a GRIP on Goals
Another fun filled, action packed, exciting week at GRIP on Saturday! The red team has surged ahead on the heated points battle!
Blue Team- 103,500 points
Red Team- 110,000 points
Saturday's lesson was on the theme of goals. Through studies it is proven if someone mentions a goal and talks about it they have a 3% chance of achieving it. The individuals who take the additional step of writing the goal down for them to see each day increase their achieving opportunity to 50%! Goals are very important in our short term and long term development as athletes and individuals. Three weeks into the 2013, most people have forgotten about their new year's resolution or have been so busy to give it any attention, it has fallen to the wayside. The bible teaches about goals in Philippians. The first word to the verse Phil. 3:14 is I. This means all of us have our own goal we can pursue. The second word is press or push. The acronym for PUSH is Pray Until Something Happens. In good and bad times of striving for our goals it is important we stay prayerful. What is it that I press towards? I press on towards the goal to win the prize. To win something means we have to do the Work Involving Nobility! In our desire to achieve, we develop character and allow our deepest passions to surface. The ultimate prize for all of us is Heaven. God tells us at the end of this verse on how to achieve Heaven. It is, I press on towards the goal to win the prize in which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. The way to get into Heaven is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Each of the students had an opportunity to accept Jesus into their heart. Being the relationship is personal between them and God, we as leaders do not know how many kids made this acceptance, but we know the Holy Spirit was alive, working, and the angels horns were celebrating! Praise God for the opportunity and His awesome power!
COMING SOON: GRIP February 2, 2013 6-7pm BRING A FRIEND!!!!