Books and Patents


  • Morasso P. and Morasso M. (2021) Taichi Meets Motor Neuroscience: An Inspiration for Contemporary Dance and Humanoid Robotics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, ISBN 978-1-5275-7464-9 .

  • Morasso P. , Sanguineti V., editors (1997) Self-organization, Cortical Maps and Motor Control. Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam.

  • Morasso, P., Masulli, F., Schenone, A. (1994) Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks. World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore.

  • Morasso, P., Tagliasco, V. (1986) Human Movement Understanding. North Holland, Amsterdam.

  • Morasso, P., Tagliasco, V. (1984) Eidologia informatica: immagini e computer. Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma.


  • Morasso, P. , Zaccaria R. (1995) DLPS© (Distributed Local Positioning Systems for robot navigation.)

  • Baratto, L., Brescia, G., Morasso, P., Gregori, M., Capra, R. (2000) Biolite© (Very low-power modulated laser device for investigation of soft connective tissue functionality)