Book chapters

Hashimoto Y., Furui A., Shimatani K., Casadio M., Moretti P., Morasso P., Tsuji T. (2022) Automated Classification of General Movements in Infants Using Two-stream Spatiotemporal Fusion Network. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13432, Springer, Berlin. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-16434-7_72 

Nomura T., Suzuki Y., Morasso P.G. (2022) Intermittent Control Strategy for Stabilizing Human Quiet Stance, A Model of the. In: Jaeger D., Jung R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY. 

Morasso M, Morasso P (2020) Beyond Motor Imagery for Cognitive Choreography. In “Sinn und Sinne im Tanz” (M. Bischof and F. Lampert, eds.), 125-132, 2020 Transcript Verlag, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8376-5340-3

Nomura, T., Suzuki, Y., Morasso, P. (2020) A model of the intermittent control strategy for stabilizing human quiet stance. In “Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience“, (Dieter Jaeger and Ranu Jung, Editors), Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019; doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_100698-1

Morasso P, Morasso M (2019) Taichi meets Motor Neuroscience - an inspiration for contemporary dance and humanoid robotics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, in press

Ponassi V, Galofaro E, Ballardini G, Carlini G, Pellegrino L, Marini F, Morasso P, and Casadio M (2019) The Interaction Between Position Sense and Force Control. In “ICNR 2018” (L. Masia et al. Eds.), BIOSYSROB 21, pp. 1–5, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

Casadio M, Iandolo R, Nataletti S, Marini F, Morasso P, Ponassi V, Scheidt R (2018) Robotic techniques for the assessment of proprioceptive deficits and for proprioceptive training. In “Rehabilitation Robotics (Colombo & Sanguineti eds)“, Chapter 21, Rehabilitation Robotics . 1016/ B978-0-12-811995-2. 00021-7

Nomura T, Suzuki Y, Fu C, Yoshikawa N, Kiyono K, Casadio M, Morasso P (2016) Stability and Flexibility During Human Motor Control. In Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V: Wang R. and Pan X., eds). Springer, Singapore DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-0207-6_11.

Morasso P. (2015) Classical mechanics and motor control.  In "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences", Second edition, James D. Wright (editor in chief), vol. 3,, Oxford: Elsevier, pp.778-784.

Morasso P. (2015) Motor Control Models: Learning and Performance.  In "Internationa  Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences", Second edition, James D. Wright (editor in chief), vol. 15,, Oxford: Elsevier, pp.957-964.

Baud-Bovy G, Morasso P, Nori F, Sandini G, Sciutti A (2014) Human Machine Interaction and Communication in Cooperative Actions, in “R. Cingolani (ed.), Bioinspired Approaches for Human-Centric Technologies”, Chapter 8, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04924-3_8

Mohan V, Morasso P, Sandini G (2014) Towards a Brain-Guided Cognitive Architecture, in “R. Cingolani (ed.), Bioinspired Approaches for Human-Centric Technologies”, Chapter 7, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04924-3_7

Masia L, Casadia M, Squeri V, Cappello L, De Santis D,  Zenzeri J, Morasso P (2014) Enhancing recovery of sensorimotor functions: the role of robot generated haptic feedback in the re-learning process. In “Trends on Augmentation of  Human Performance” (P. Artemiadis editor), Book Series “Neuro-robotics, brain-machine interfaces and rehabilitation robotics”,  Springer Verlag, Berlin, vol. 2, 285-316.

Sanguineti V., Casadio M., Masia L., Squeri V. & Morasso P. (2013) Robot-assisted neuro-rehabilitation, in "Introduction to Neuroengineering"  (Metin Akay, Winnie Jensen, Dario Farina eds.), Chapter 26, pp. 506-528, John Wiley and IEEE , Piscataway, NJ , USA.

Mohan V,  Zenzeri J, Metta G, Morasso P (2013) In humanoid robots, as in humans, bipedal standing should come before bipedal walking: implementing the Functional Reach Test.  K. Mombaur, K. Berns eds.: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Bipedal Walking (COSMOS 18), pp. 145-153, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

De Santis D, Mohan V, Morasso P, Zenzeri P (2013) Do humanoid robots need a body schema ? A. Chella ed.: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Archutectures 2012, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 196, pp. 109-115, SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Morasso P (2013) Towards an integrated approach to multimodal assistance of stroke patients based on the promotion of intentionality. In "Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation" (José L. Pons, Diego Torricelli & Marta Pajaro editors), Springer, Series: Biosystems & Biorobotics, Series: Biosystems & Biorobotics, pp. 23-27. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Mohan V, Morasso P (2012) How Past Experience, Imitation and Practice Can Be Combined to Swiftly Learn to Use Novel “Tools”: Insights from Skill Learning Experiments with Baby Humanoids. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 7375, pp: 1-12.

Mohan V, Morasso P, Metta G, Kasderidis S (2011) Actions & Imagined Actions in Cognitive robots. In "Perception-reason-action cycle: Models, algorithms and systems" (V. Cutsuridis, A. Hussain, JG Taylor), Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems, vol. 1, Chapter 17, 539-572.

Morasso P, Mohan V, Metta G, Sandini G (2009)  Motion planning and bimanual coordination in humanoid robots. In "Computational Intelligence and Bioengineering" (F. Masulli, A. Micheli, A. Sperduti, editors), series KBIES, subseries of "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", IOS Press.

Sanguineti V, Casadio M, Vergaro, E, Squeri V, Giannoni P, Morasso P (2009) Robot therapy for stroke survivors: proprioceptive training and regulation of assistance. In “Studies in Health Technologies and Information” (A. Gaggioli, E.A. Keshner, P.L. Weiss, G. Riva editors), vol. 145, pp. 126-42, IOS Press, Amsterdam. DOI:10.3233/978-1-60750-018-6-126

Morasso P, Casadio M, Sanguineti V, Squeri V, Vergaro E (2007) Robot therapy: the importance of haptic interaction. IEEE Virtual Rehabilitation 2007, pp. 70-77, Venice, September 27-29. ISBN: 978-1-4244-1204-4

Morasso P (2007) Consciousness as the emergent property of the interaction between brain body and environment: the crucial role of haptic perception. In "Artificial Consciousness" (A. Chella and R. Manzotti, editors), Imprint Academic, Exeter, UK, Chapter14, 234-255.

Mohan V, Morasso P (2006) A Forward / Inverse Motor Controller for Cognitive Robotics.  In "Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2006", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4131/2006, p. 602-611, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg. 

Casadio M, Morasso P, Sanguineti V (2006) Apprendimento Motorio e Neuroriabilitazione. In "Neurorobotica: neuroscienze e robotica per lo sviluppo di macchine intelligenti" (P. Dario, G. Rizzolatti e G. Sandini, editors),Patron Editore, Bologna, 303-332.

Morasso P., Sanguineti V. (2006) Human motion analysis. Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Article 590,  John Wiley & Sons.

Abuarqub S, Brichetto G,  Solaro C, Sanguineti V (2005). Kinetic tremor and visuomotor control inpatients with multiple sclerosis. In "From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery" (N. Gantchev, editor), Academic Publishing House "Prof. M. Drinov", Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN 954-322-095-6, pp 207-212. (Motor Control Conference 2002, September 2005.)

Morasso P, Sanguineti V(2003) Modelling motor control paradigms. In "Computational Neuroscience" (J. Feng Editor), pp. 535-564, Chapman & Hall.

Macellari V, Giacomozzi C, Cappello A, Morasso P (2003) Misura delle forze esterne. In “Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento” (A. Cappello, A. Cappozzo e P. di Prampero, editors), Patron Editore, Bologna, 233-256.

Morasso P, Sanguineti V (2003) Paradigmi di controllo motorio. In “Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento” (A. Cappello, A. Cappozzo e P. di Prampero, editors), Patron Editore, Bologna, 307-338.

Chiari L, Morasso P, Rocchi L (2003) Analisi posturografica. In “Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento” (A. Cappello, A. Cappozzo e P. di Prampero, editors), Patron Editore, Bologna, 375-412.

Morasso, M., Morasso, P. (2001) Laban, Feldman & Lorenz - ovvero l'arte e la scienza di comporre tasselli di movimento. Matematica e Cultura 2001 (a cura di M. Emmer) Springer-Verlag Italia, Milano.

Sanguineti, V., Giugliano, M., Grattarola, M., Morasso, P. (2001) Neuro-Engineering: From Neural Interfaces to Biological Computers. In "Communication through virtual technologies" (G. Riva & F. Davide eds.) IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 233-246.

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V., Frisone, F. (2001) Cortical maps as topology-representing neural networks applied to motor cointrol: articulatory speech synthesis. In "Plausible Neural Networks for Biological Modelling" (HAK Mastebroek & JE Vos, eds.), Kluwer AcademicPublishers, Dordrecht, pp. 190-216.

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. (2000) Representation of space and time in motor control. In " Prerational intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intell igent Systems without Symbols and Logic" ( H. Ritter, H. Cruse and J. Dean, editors), vol. 2, pp. 11-50, Kluwer Academic Publishrs, Studies in Cognitive Systems, vol. 26, ISBN: 978-0-7923-6666-9.

Morasso, P. (2000) Motor control models: learning and performance. In "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences", Section: Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Section editor A.A.J. Marley), pp. 10131-10137, article115, Pergamon Press.

Morasso, P. (2000) Modelli di Controllo del Movimento: apprendimento ed esecuzione. In "Fuori schema" (P. Giannoni, L. Zerbino, G. Verruggio editors), Springer Italia..

Sanguineti, V., Spada, G., Baratto, L., Morasso, P., and Sarti, A. (1999) Toward a quantitative assessment of abnormal arm movements in patients with ataxia. In Gantchev, N. and Gantchev, G.N. (editors) From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery - Concepts, Theories and Models. Present State and Perspective., pp 494-499. Acad. Publishing House "Prof. M. Drinov", Sofia, Bulgaria.

Morasso, P., Baratto, L., Capra, R., Spada, G. (1998) Preventing the risk of falling in elderly people. In "Improving the quality of life for the European citizen - Technology for Inclusive Design and Equality" (I. Placencia Porrero and E. Ballabio editors), 101-304, IOS Press: Amsterdam.

Giuffrida, F., Morasso, P., Zaccaria, R. (1998) PARTNER - a semi-autonomous mobile service robot in a wireless network for biomedical applications. In "Improving the quality of life for the European citizen - Technology for Inclusive Design and Equality" (I. Placencia Porrero and E. Ballabio editors), 342-345, IOS Press: Amsterdam.

Sanguineti V, Morasso P, Frisone F (1997) Cortical maps and sensorimotor space. (In "Self-organization, cortical maps and motor control", P. Morasso and V. Sanguineti, Eds.), Advances in Psychology, vol. 119, pp. 1-36  (Elsevier Science, North-Holland).

Tsuji T, Morasso P,  Sanguineti V,  Kaneko M (1997) Artificial force-field based methods in robotics.  In “Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control (P. Morasso & V. Sanguineti eds)”, Advances in Psychology, vol. 119, pp.169-190 (Elsevier Science, North Holland)

Sanguineti, V,  Morasso P  (1997) Computational maps and target fields for reaching movements.   In “Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control (P. Morasso & V. Sanguineti eds)”,  Advances in Psychology, vol. 119, pp. 507-546 (Elsevier Science,North Holland).

Morasso P,  Sanguineti V (1997) From Cortical Maps to the Control of Muscles. (In "Self-organization, cortical maps and motor control", P. Morasso and V. Sanguineti, Eds.), Advances in Psychology, 119, pp. 547-591 (Elsevier Science, North-Holland).

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. and F. Frisone (1997) A principled approach to a theory of self-organization in cortical maps based on EM-learning. Progress in Connectionist-based Information Systems (N. Kasabov, editor), Springer Verlag, 166-169.

Sanguineti V., Morasso P. (1996) Articulatory speech synthesis by field computation. In "Recent Developments in Biological Cybernetics 1".

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. and Spada, G (1995) Neocortical dynamics in sensorimotor control. In "Brain Processes, Theories and Models" (J. Mira Mira Editor), 503-512, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, USA.

Morasso, P. e P. Giannoni (1995) Ausili di comunicazione per disabili motori. In "Protesi ed Ausili per la Comincazione" (E. Biondi, P.L. Emiliani, P. Morasso, Editors),147-160, Patron Editore, Bologna.

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V., Tsuji, T. (1994) A model for the generation of virtual targets in trajectory formation. In "Advances in handwriting and drawing: a multidisciplinary approach" (C. Faure, P. Keuss, G. Lorette, A. Vinter, editors), 333-348, Europia, Paris.

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. (1994) Self-organizing topographic maps and motor learning. In "From Anamals to Animats 3" (D. Cliff, P. Husbands, J.A. Meyer, and S.W. Wilson, Editors), MIT Press, 214-220.

Franchi, P., Sanguineti, V., Succi, G., and G. Vercelli (1992) A parallel approach to the simulation of complex movements. In "Transputing in Numerical and Neural Networks" (G.L. Reijns and J. Luo, Editors), IOS Press, Amsterdam.

Morasso, P. (1992) Neural mechanisms of synergy formation. In "Sequencing and timing of human movement" (A.J.W.M. Thomassen, D.A. Rosenbaum, and P.C.W. Wieringen, Eds.), Norht Holland, Amsterdam.

Morasso, P., Pagliano, S., and A. Pareto (1992) Neural models for handwriting recognition. In "From Pixels to Features III" (S. Impedovo and J.C. Simon, Editors), 423-440, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Morasso, P. and V. Sanguineti (1992) Neural models of distributed motor control. In "Tutorials in Motor Behavior II" (G.E. Stelmach and J. Requin, Editors), 3-30, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.

Morasso, P., Sanguineti, V. (1991) Neurocomputing concepts in motor control. In "Brain and Space" (J. Paillard, Editor), Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chapter 21, 404-432.

Morasso, P., and M. Solari (1991) A neural implementation of analogical planning. In "Artificial Neural Networks (T. Kohonen, K. Makisara, O. Simula, and J. Kangas, Editors), 1281-1284, North Holland, Amsterdam.

Morasso, P. (1991) Self-organising feature maps for cursive script recognition. In "Artificial Neural Networks (T. Kohonen, K. Makisara, O. Simula, and J. Kangas, Editors), 1323-1326, Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam. 

Mussa Ivaldi, F.A., Morasso, P., N. Hogan, N., Bizzi, E. (1991) Network Models of Motor Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom. In "Advances in Control Networks and Large Scale Parallel Distributed Processing Models" (M.D. Fraser, Editor), Ablex Publ. Corp., Norwood, NJ.

Morasso, P. (1990) Neural representation of motor synergies. In "Advanced Neural Computers" (R. Eckmiller, Editor), North-Holland:Amsterdam, 51-59.

Morasso, P., Mussa Ivaldi, F.A., Vercelli, G., Zaccaria, R. (1989) A connectionist formulation of motor planning. In "Connectionism in Perspective" (R. Pfeifer, Z. Schreter, F. Fogelman-Soulie, and L. Steels, Editors), Elsevier Science Publishers:Amsterdam, 413-420.

Morasso, P., Sandini, G., Tistarelli, M. (1988) Active Vision: Integrating the Information from Fixed and Mobile Cameras. In "Sensors and Sensory Systems for Advanced Robots" (P. Dario, Editor), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 449-462.

Morasso, P., Troiano, E., Zaccaria, R. (1985) Representing motor knowledge. In "Artificial Intelligence - Methodology, Systems, Applications" (W. Bibel, B. Petkoff, Editors), North Holland, Amsterdam, 230-240.

Morasso, P., Sandini, G. (1985) 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Stereo Views. In "Image Analysis and Processing" (V. Cantoni, S. Levialdi, G. Musso, Editors), Plenum Publishing Co., New York, 121-127.

Massone, L. Morasso, P., (1985) Sculptor-2: representing, generating and editing smooth planar shapes. In "Artificial Intelligence - Methodology, Systems, Applications" (W. Bibel, B. Petkoff, Editors), North Holland,  Amsterdam, 223-229.

Morasso, P., Troiano, E., Zaccaria, R. (1985) Representing motor knowledge. In "Artificial Intelligence - Methodology, Systems, Applications" (W. Bibel, B. Petkoff, Editors), North Holland, Amsterdam, 230-240.

Morasso, P., Sandini, G. (1985) 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Stereo Views. In "Image Analysis and Processing" (V. Cantoni, S. Levialdi, G. Musso, Editors), Plenum Publishing Co., New York, 121-127.

Morasso, P., Sandini, G., Tagliasco, V. (1975) Plasticity in the eye-head coordination system. In "Aspects of Neural Plasticity" (R. Vital Durand and M. Jeannerod, Editors), INSERM-43, Lyon, 83-94.

Bizzi, E., Kalil, R., Morasso, P., Tagliasco, V. (1972) Central Programming and Peripheral Feedback during Eye-Head Coordination in Monkeys. In "Central Control of Eye Movements and Motion Perception" (Dichgans, J., Bizzi, E., Editors), S. Karger, Basel, 220-232.