May 29 - June 1

Commencement Addresses.

Write a Commencement Speech to your own graduation ceremony. Due June 1. (500-700 words)

You MUST have at least 2 quotes from the Value of Life Module.

Feinberg, Kenneth. “What Is the Value of a Human Life?” This I Believe. National Public Radio, 25

May 2008.

Jobs, Steve. Commencement Address. Stanford University Commencement Weekend. Stanford,

CA. 12 June 2005.

Jones, Chris. “Roger Ebert: The Essential Man.” Esquire 16 Feb. 2010. .

Ripley, Amanda. “What Is a Life Worth?” Time 11 Feb. 2002. 22-27.

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Act III, Sc. 1: Hamlet’s “To be, or not to be” soliloquy.