Works Cited

Brooks, David. "Honor Code." New York Times. July 12, 2012.

Butler, Judith. "Phylosophe." Transcript of YouTube clip, February 23, 2007

Lorde, Audrey. "The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action." Sister Outsider: Essays

and Speeches (Crossing Press Feminist Series). 40-44. New York: Random House. 2007.

Tannen,Deborah. "His Politness is her Powerlessness." You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men

in Conversation. New York: Willaim Morrow and Company. 2007.

Young, Vershawn Ashanti. "Prelude: The Barbershop." Your Average Nigga: Performing Race,

Literacy, and Masculinity. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 2007.