Curriculum Vitae

Paul D. Mizen BSc(Econ) PhD FRSA FAcSS


Professor of Monetary Economics, University of Nottingham &

Director, Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics




Points of contact


School of Economics,

University of Nottingham,

University Park, Nottingham,

NG7 2RD,

United Kingdom        



Telephone   ++44-115-951-5479


Webpage economics/staff/details/Pdm.htm

Twitter              @MizenPaul


Current Employment

2005 –         Professor of Monetary Economics, University of Nottingham & Director, Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics


Visiting  Positions

2018, 2019  Academic Visitor, Department of Economics, Stanford University

2016                Inaugural 200th Anniversary Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna 

2011 - 2017 Visiting Advisor, Bank for International Settlements

2011            Distinguished Visitor Programme, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

2010            Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Princeton University        

2008, 2010  Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve

2004 - 2017 Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKIMR)

2005, 2006  Visiting Scholar, Deutsche Bundesbank

2003, 2004  Visiting Scholar, European Central Bank (ECB)

2002 - 2003     Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

2001            Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

1998                Visiting Researcher, Reserve Bank of Australia and Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ)

1995, 1996   Visiting Scholar, International Monetary Fund.


Public Service

2023 - Member, Expert Group. The Productivity Institute Data Lab

2022 - Member, National Statisticians' Committee for Advice on Standards in Economic Statistics (NSCASE)

2021 -              Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Data Driven Discovery Institute

2021 - Member, Management Group, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence

2020 - 2022   Member, Midlands Engine Research Partnership Board

2020 - 2022    Member, Local Enterprise Partnership (D2N2) Analytical Group

2019 - Trustee, Money Macro and Finance Society

2018 - 2022    Fellow, Office for National Statistics

2018 - 2022    Member, Office for National Statistics Economic Experts Working Group

2017 -             Research Associate, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence

2016 - Chairman, Executive Committee Money Macro and Finance Society

2015 -             Consultant and Member, Academic Advisory Group, Bank of England

2011 -16 Treasurer, Money Macro and Finance Society

1997 - 2000    Academic Visitor/Consultant, Bank of England.

1996 -             Member, Committee, Money Macro and Finance Society


Education and Qualifications

May, 1992   Ph.D Loughborough University, UK (University & John Guest Phillips Scholarships)


July, 1989   BSc (Econ), First Class Honours (Ormerod Prize) University of Wales, UK.


Awards, Distinctions and Prizes

Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) 2019- 

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) 2019- 

Entries in Who’s Who in the World 

Dictionary of International Biography

Best Policy Impact Prize, Institute for Policy Engagement 2019 

RePEc Research Impact Ranking top 5% Europe 

Royal Economic Society Awards: Easter School 1993, 1994; Summer Research Workshop 1994


Invited Lectures

2022    Organiser, Special Session on 'New Evidence on the Surprise Surge in Inflation', American Economic Association, New Orleans, 7 January.

2021    Special Session organiser and speaker, Royal Economic Society, 14 April.

2019    Special Session organiser and speaker, Royal Economic Society, 16 April.

2018 Special Session organiser and speaker, Royal Economic Society, 26 March.

2018 Invited Speaker, Government Economic Service, HM Treasury, Investment and Economic Uncertainty, 5 February.

2018 Invited Speaker The Facts Facing the UK's Future, The Queens’ College, Oxford, Brexit Colloquium, 9 January

2017    Speaker at launch event Decision Maker Panel with Sir David Ramsden, Deputy Governor Bank of England, on Jubilee Campus Nottingham (for c.100 business leaders in N. England) November 2017;

2017   Speaker at launch event Decision Maker Panel with Andrew Haldane, Chief Economist, Executive Director, MPC member at the Bank of England, (for c.100 business leaders in S. England) December 2017.

2017   Invited Speaker, HM Treasury, The Decision Maker Panel, 20 September.

2017    Invited Speaker, Brexit and the City – GdRE 34th Symposium, University of Nanterre, Paris, July 2017.

2016    Two public lectures as the inaugural OeNB Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna  ( to mark the 650th anniversary  of the University of Vienna and the 200th anniversary of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB)), May 2016.

2015    David Llewellyn Lecture in Money and Banking, Loughborough University. 9 December 2015.

2015    Discussant, Bank Indonesia-BIS Research Conference on Expanding the Boundaries of Monetary Policy in Asia-Pacific, August 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia.

2015 Invited speaker, National Bank of Belgium, 22 June 2015

2015    Invited speaker, European Central Bank 19-20 January 2015.

2014    Session Organiser 8th International Conference on Computation and Financial Econometrics on “Banking and Financial Markets", Pisa University, Pisa, Italy, 5-7 December.2014.       

2014    Invited speaker, Norges Bank.

2014 Invited speaker, 50th anniversary lecture, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago,

2014 Invited lecture, Central Bank of the Philippines, 3 March 2014

2014 Invited speaker, Central Bank, Chinese Taipei, 27 February 2014

2013    Invited speaker at 7th International Conference on Computation and Financial Econometrics on “Banking and Financial Markets", University College London, 14-16 December.

2013 Keynote speaker 40th Anniversary Macromodels International Conference, Warsaw, 21-24 October, sponsored by the National Bank of Poland.

2013 Invited speaker and discussant, Asian Development Bank Seminar on Financial Regulatory Reforms in Asia, 63 Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, 2 July 2013

2013 Roundtable “Restoring the lending channel of monetary transmission" GdRE  "Monnaie Banque  Finance" Université de Poiters, France, 24-26 June 2013. 


Previously, invited to lecture to: Bundesbank-University of Bonn Central Bank conference (Frankfurt); Czech National Bank/IMF, Prague, Czech Republic; Groupement de Recherche Européen 25th Symposium, Luxembourg; Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy, Switzerland; METU Third International Conference on Economics, Ankara, Turkey; Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), London; Swedish Parliament (Bank of Sweden Tercentennial Foundation and the Economic Council of Sweden) Stockholm; United Kingdom Department of Business Innovation and Skills ‘Access to Finance Seminar’; United Nations Conference, Maastricht.


Grant Income

ESRC awarded £1,800,000 (ES/X013707/1 ) as Principal Investigator on the Decision Maker Panel.

ESRC awarded £440,000 (ES/P010385/1) as Principal Investigator on the Decision Maker Panel survey extension funding .

UKRI awarded £804,000 (ES/V004387/1) as Principal Investigator “Measuring the effects of Covid-19 on businesses and the UK economy”,

ESRC awarded £265,000 (ES/P010385/1) as Principal Investigator on the Decision Maker Panel survey extension funding 

ESRC awarded £1,102,171 (ES/S012729/1) as Co-Principal Investigator to support a Management and Expectations Survey with ESCoE, MIT, Stanford and London Universities, 2019-2022. 

Office for National Statistics – awarded £132,600  Economic Statistics Centre for Excellence (ESCoE) by ONS-ESCoE to fund a project on Using Firm-Level Surveys to Understand Industrial and Regional Capacity, Investment, Productivity and Output Growth 2019-2022. 

Office for National Statisticsawarded £100,000 Economic Statistics Centre for Excellence (ESCoE) to measure management and economic uncertainty, 2016-2020.

ESRC awarded £762,680 (ES/P010385/1) as Principal Investigator on the Decision Maker Panel survey of economic uncertainty in relation to Brexit with Bank of England, Stanford University, 2017- 2020. 

Bank of England & Stanford University awarded £571,000 of co-funding to support the Decision Maker Panel project, 2017-2020.

ESRC awarded £25,000 to support the Bloomberg-MMF Policy Conference 2018 - 2021.

ESRC multiple awards of postgraduate studentships and a postdoctoral fellowship c. £350,000.


Professional and management activities

Economic and Social Research Council


Member, Grant Assessment, Panel C (2019-2023)


Member, ESRC Centres Competition Commissioning Panel  (2018-19)


Member, ESRC Centres Competition Outline Assessment Panel (2018-19)

Assessment of submissions to the competition for £30 million over five years through this Centres Competition involving outline bids, full bids and interview stages.


Member and Vice-Chair, ESRC Future Research Leaders Scheme Commissioning Panel (2011 - 2014)

Vice Chair of the panel allocating government grants totaling £14million annually.


Member and Vice-Chair, ESRC Future Research Leaders Scheme Sift Panel (2011 - 2014)

Responsible to review, and then moderate the views of ESRC appointed referees’ views to select 70-80 funded awards for up to 3 years from an initial pool of 200 applications.


Member, ESRC-HM Treasury Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Commissioning Panel (2010 – 2011)

Reviewer and moderator of postdoctoral fellowship awards funded by ESRC and HM Treasury.


Member, ESRC Macroeconomics Capacity Building Strategy Steering Group and Assessment Panel (2009 - 2010)

Panel member making recommendations to the ESRC to build capacity in UK macroeconomics.


Money, Macro and Finance Research Group

Trustee (2019 -)

I am answerable with eight other trustees to the Charity Commission for the activities of the MMF Society.


Chairman and Chair of the Executive Committee (2016 - )

In this role I am responsible at the national level to chair the Executive Committee of the Money, Macro and Finance Research Group (an international academic macro-finance group with over 650 members). I coordinate the organization of the major conferences and seminar programmes, liaise with major funders and Research Councils, review applications for MMF funded conferences (twice a year), approach keynote speakers, select and appoint new committee members, and initiate external collaborations. In 2017 I began the process of forming the MMF into a charitable body and learned society.


Treasurer and Member of the Executive Committee (2011 - 2016)

Member, Steering group, Bloomberg-MMF Monetary and Financial Policy Conference (2014 - )

An annual conference, hosted by Bloomberg and supported by the ESRC since its inception. There is significant press engagement and involvement of Bloomberg TV.

Member, Steering group, MMF Current Issues in Macroeconomic Policy. (2010 -2011)    

Committee Member (1996 - )

As a member of the organizing committee I have been responsible for scrutiny of the annual activities of the MMF.


Office for National Statistics


Member, National Statistician's Committee for Advice on Standards for Economic Statistics (NSCASE)

Part of the new governance framework for the Office for National Statistics, reporting to Sir Ian Diamond (National Statistician) and chaired by Martin Weale.

Fellow, Office for National Statistics (2018 - 2022 )

Following the Bean Review, the ONS has appointed a small number of ONS Fellows to bring research, analytical and methodological skills to help improve the UK’s economic statistics. Severed a first term 2018-2020, renewed for a further term (2020-2022)


Member, Economic Experts Working Group (2018 - 2022)

Meeting six times a year, the EEWG helps the ONS set its development agenda as well as offering expert advice to help solve the difficulties of measuring the changing economy.


Accredited Researcher (no 30900).


Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE)

Deputy Director, (2023-2028) 

Member, Management Group (2021 -  2022)

Management team members contribute to the overall strategic and operational management of the ESCoE, meeting bi-monthly, editing publications and holding the strategic direction throughout the partnership.


Research Associate, ESCoE  (2017 - )

Member of the first and second stage research programmes investigating management and expectations through the Management and Expectation Survey (MES).


Programme Committee Economic Measurement Conferences (2018 - )

ESCoE Economic Measurement conference addresses the growing concern over economic data quality and scope, it attracts over 150 delegates per year.


Royal Economic Society

Conference Committee member, 2016-2018.


Scientific Committes

Computational and Financial Econometrics Network, (2014, 2015)


International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS)  2017 (Oxford), 2017 (Ningbo), 2019 (Angers), Oxford (2021).


Expert Groups Central Banks

Expert Group on Monetary Policy Normalisation, De Netherlandsche Bank, (2015)

Expert Group on Interest Rate Pass Through, Bank of England, (2013)

Expert Group on Monetary Analysis, DG-Economics, European Central Bank, (2006)

Expert Group on Interest Rate Setting, DG-Statistics, European Central Bank, (2007).


Other Fellowships

Fellow, Sir Clive Granger Centre, University of Nottingham.   

Fellow, Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research, University of Manchester.


Centre for Economic Policy Research

Member, ‘New Scholars’ Programme (1996 – 2000)


Director, Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics

Research Centre, University of Nottingham (2005 - ). Previously Deputy Director (2000-2005). The role involves management of the research centre organization of a weekly external seminar programme, organizer of several one-day and two day conferences each year, editor of working paper series, lead applicant for income generation, advisor for staff in communication, impact, outreach and research grant applications.


University of Nottingham Administrative Roles

Member ESRC IAA Executive Panel (2016 - )

Member of University ESRC Peer Review College (2012- )

Member of Integrating Global Society Research & Knowledge Transfer Priority Group Review Panel (2011 – 2013) 


School Administrative Roles

School of Economics Impact Officer (2015 – )

School REF Strategy Group (2015 - )

School of Economics Research Committee (2015 - )                   

School of Economics PDPR and Promotion Committee (2005 - )


Member of School of Economics Committees (Past):

School of Economics PhD Admissions Officer (2008 - 2015); Postgraduate Research Committee (2008 - 2015, and 1997 - 2005); Research Committee (1995 - 2002); Postgraduate Teaching Committee (1997 - 2001); Postgraduate Research Staff-Student Consultative Committee (1997 - 2001); School Safety Officer (1996 - 2008); Research Grant Co-ordinator (1993 - 2002)


Appointments at Other Universities


External Examiner various universities (1992  - )

This involves the checking of exam papers and procedures for the examination of students on other universities degree programmes or examining research theses.

BSc programmes at the Universities of Leicester, St Andrews, Birmingham, London, LSE, Loughborough.

MSc/MPhil programmes at the Universities of Leicester, St Andrews, Cambridge, Birmingham, Manchester, London.

PhD theses at the Universities of Warwick, Melbourne (Australia), Scottish Doctoral Programme, LSE, Manchester, European University Institute (Italy), Oxford (2).


External Appointment and Promotion Committees (2005 - ) in Economics, Business Schools and Finance.