


VoxEU Post 8 Dec 2022 Firm inflation Expectations in Quantitative and Text Data

VoxEU Post 17 Nov 2022 Remote Working and New Geography of Local Services Spending

VoxEU Post 26 August 2022 Firming Up Price Inflation

VoxEU Post 16 Apr 2022 The impact of the war in Ukraine on economic uncertainty

VoxEU Post 10 Jan 2022 “Potential Capital”, Working From Home and Economic Resilience 

VoxEU Post, Comparing online versus in-person meetings, Jan 2022


VoxEU Post, Oct 2021, Covid-19 and structural change 

VoxEU Post,  August 2021  Will labour markets rebound after Covid-19?

Economics Observatory, August 2021 Where are levelilng up funds most needed? 

VoxEU Post, June 2021 Returning to the office will be hard,


Economic Observatory, May 2021 What is the future of commuting to work? 


Economic Observatory April 2021 Working from home is revolutionising the UK labour market,


Economic Observatory May 2021  Update: Which firms and industries have been most affected by Covid-19?

ESRC April 2021  Measuring the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and the economy

VoxEU Post, January 2021 The impact of Covid-19 on productivity


Campaign for Social Science, June 2020: Social Science Provides An Essential Evidence Base For The Policy Response To COVID-19


Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), June 2020: How Working From Home Works Out

University of Nottingham, Vision, June 2020: Integrated, Agile Evidence From Social Scientists is Helping Policymakers Respond to COVID-19


Economics Observatory, May 2020: Which Firms and Industries Have Been Most Affected by Covid-19?


VoxEU Post, May 2020: Coronavirus Expected To Reduce UK Firms’ Sales By Over 40% In Q2


VoxEU Post, March 2020: The Economic Impact of Coronavirus on UK Businesses


VoxEU Post, February 2020: Brexit Uncertainty Has Fallen Since the UK General Election


VoxEU Post,25 September 2019  The latest on Brexit from the Decision Maker Panel

VoxEU, 4 September 2019 The impact of Brexit on UK firms


VoxEU 16 November 2018,  Rising Brexit uncertainty has reduced investment and employment 


VoxEU, 5 October 2017 New survey evidence on the impact of Brexit on UK firms