
My History:

    • Learned to play Chess and Double Deck Pinochle at 8 yrs. old.
    • Cub Scout
    • First Crystal Radio Kit (4rd grade, 10 yrs. old)
    • Boy Scout
    • High School -1975: Electronic, Pre-Calc, COBOL, RPG
    • U.S.M.C. 1975 - 1979 Active Duty
    • (Air Crew, Navigation, Squadron Ops. Clerk, Basic Data Systems, (All Marines Are Riflemen))
    • - 1980 Active Reserve Dragonman Platoon
    • Honorable Discharge, Good Conduct
    • C.D.I.: (Computer Repair Technology) - 1982
    • H.F.C.C: A.S. Cum Laude, A.A. Cum Laude
    • ( Math, Computer Science, Transfer credits) 1983-1990
    • U of M - D: B.S.M. ( Math Major, Computer Science Minor, Other: Physics, Psych & Sexology) - 1995
    • Dean's List Fall 1990
    • Delta Sigma Phi - Eta Kappa - Eta
    • Authoring a book for new PC Users, on the basics of PC's 1995 -
    • (Est. completion date: before the end of time)
    • Various and Assorted projects dealing in Meta-Engineering and Meta-Science
    • Primary care giver for Dad (1916) and Mom (1922)
    • Handyman-from tightening door knobs to personal computer networks.