Legend - Disclaimers

The P.C. Historian

Page Legends

Last Update April 7th, 2010

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My Site Legend

This page is for my legend and any disclaimers that I have.


In order to make my sites easier to use I endeavour to follow the these guidelines.

Links are bracketed by asterisks/stars (*) with the following color coding(where possible):

BLACK is just text for reading.

RED is a link with-in this "page" (think inside, blood)

GREEN is a link out of this page but under my control. (think green grass around "me")

BLUE is an external link, to someone else's control. (think sky, wild blue yonder)

PURPLE is a link you already used (visited). (this link already "hit" as in bruised)

WHITE means you have the mouse positioned on the link. (it disapears)

ORANGE is a link to the Host of the current home page. (sun rise sun set)

YELLOW is a link to advertisement. (daisies, watch-em or pick-em)

For the cases of "visited" links, asterisks of the original color of a link will be on both ends of the links.

Advertisements on the home pages are the responsibility of the site host.

Advertisement is kept to a minimum for the reasons of page-load-times and page-view-space.

I try to use a minimum of graphic material in a main page, which is a default access page to a new theme area (I.E. server home pages), which may already have the advertisements of my Site Host. The main exceptions to this rule is the HIT-COUNTERS and/or the Guest-Books. Links to the graphics will be requestable link options. I make big pictures and using this strategy speeds up the system for the slow machines and takes the loading off the overused fast machines, which frees up the web/net time-slot resources, which in turn lets EVERYBODY go faster. (I.E. due to the of laws of the Natural Universe it DOES make a difference)

ALL information/graphics/essays/opinions on my web pages are my own (unless otherwise stated) and are to be considered copyrighted and may not be used by others except when noted as such. Most of my "Freebies" will be marked "Free Media." Please give credit where credit is due.

Items marked "Free Media" are to follow the guidelines of freeware with the added exceptions that, in addition to not charging for the contents, you may also not charge for the media it was put on (I.E. diskette, paper, tapes, hard-disks, etc...), you may not charge to put it there (I.E. your labor, employee labor, hiring a printer, ...), you may not charge for any costs incurred by putting it there (I.E. electricity to run computers, printers, ...), you may not charge for any other costs incurred by putting it there (I.E. wear and tear on computers, printers, ...) you may not charge for any other costs incurred from putting it there (I.E. storage after manufacture or production, ...) and you may not charge for delivery (I.E. e-mail, snail-mail, hand delivery, gas in the car, carrier pigeon, ...) Free means Free.

All references to items, which may be copyrighted, trade marked or service marked are the property of their respective owners.

I have no pornography of any kind on any of my sites, nor direct links to anything of that nature.

Lastly, Surf's Up.

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