Poetry & Other Folly

When I was younger & thought my feelings were much more important than I currently do, I liked to write poetry.

Very little of it ever saw publication. I quickly discovered that poetry magazines and I had entirely different ideas of what constituted a poem. I soon gave up trying to publish poetry.

However, I remain fond of some of my verse, so I've decided to self-publish some of it here.

Here's a link to a "Word Cloud" of "Winter Solstice."

Here's a link to a "World Cloud" of "Epiphany."

Like it? You can make a "word cloud" of any text you choose at the site www.wordle.net. For example, here's a Wordle of the Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Asissi (who did not input it himself): http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/1408611/Canticle_of_the_Creatures

Great fun, but an awful time drain.