Autonomous Vehicles Software Engineer - Retired

Outrider Technologies

Developing simulation software and hardware around gazebo that enables testing ROS-based vehicle software in both SIL and HIL environments. Triage simulation failures from CI/CD testing to failing subsystem.

Endeavor Robotics

Designing ROS drivers and software for radio, audio, camera, BIT for new version of back-packable robot. Press Release

Lockheed Martin Autonomous Mining Haul Trucks

Systems Engineering for Autonomous Mining Haul Trucks project. Software integration of vehicle with management software system. System test.

Lockheed Martin AMAS Autonomous Vehicles

Lockheed Martin Autonomous Systems is developing autonomous truck convoy technology for the US Army (TARDEC group) under the AMAS program.


TARDEC Videos of Convoy Technology

Hewlett Packard Work Products (non-HP-confidential)

ROS (Robot Operating System)

Contributed to the following ROS packages:

Attended ROSCON 2012 (Minneapolis) and 2013 (Stuttgart)