Flow Limiter


The flow limiter system limits daily outflow from a water tank. It uses an Internet of Things (IoT) device to monitor water flow and limit it to a daily max, and to connect to the cloud and report flow data to the cloud. The cloud sends text-message alerts when anomalies are detected. The cloud allows users to view historical data.

The images below show the water flow subsystem and IoT device as-installed.


The farm (or ranch) supplies water to troughs from a large rain-filled collection tank. Occasionally, cattle destroy a ballcock in a trough and water flows unchecked through the valve, overflowing the trough. If not caught in time, the leaking valve empties the collection tank. When the tank is empty, there's no more water for cattle until it's refilled.

Files Locations


User Manual

The flow limiter system provides measurement and reporting of water flow, and water shutoff in case of excessive flow along with an alert. It comprises three subsystems which work together:

Cloud Subsystem

The cloud subsystem monitors and stores flow and valve state data sent by the IoT device. Its most important function is to send an alert when it detects a valve state change, warning you that water flow has been inhibited or re-enabled. This is a rare but important occurrence. It can also display the flow data over various timeframes. The flow display looks like this:

The cumulative daily flow graph displays how much water has been consumed each day. It resets to zero at midnight, and rises to the daily total water use during the subsequent 24 hours. The flow rate displays the rate of water flow averaged over 5-minute intervals.

IoT Device

The IoT device is a small red microcomputer mounted to the electronics circuit board. It is the brains of the flow limiter - it measures the signal from the flow sensor, commands the valve on or off, and reports flow and valve position data to the cloud. The IoT device has several modes, and is operated using buttons on the device in a manner akin to setting a watch. It has a display that shows information depending on the mode. 

The buttons are unlabeled, and a bit difficult to find. With the IoT device mounted to the circuit board and displaying text:

The circuit board to which the IoT device is plugged has three lights:

Power on/off

Power the device on or off by pressing and holding the power button. It powers on automatically upon first application of power, or if USB-C is plugged into the connector on the end of the device. Upon power-on, it tries to connect to the Wifi SSID that is hard-coded into its firmware,  Once connected to Wifi, it connects to the cloud, then starts measuring water flow. The normal display after power on is:

Wifi..... IoT... Daily Flow: 0

If it is unable to connect to wifi, or to connect to the cloud, it prints dots until it succeeds.

The IoT device has a small internal battery which keeps it running for a couple of hours in case of power loss. After the battery has discharged, it powers off, but will automatically power back on and recharge the battery when mains power is reapplied.


Button A cycles through modes as follows:

Flow Display -> Display/Set Flow Limit -> Display/Set Time -> Display/Set Valve override -> Display/Set simulation mode

Each mode displays different information about the IoT device, and allows changing operation settings.

Flow Display

The device starts operation in Flow Display mode, where it displays daily cumulative water flow (in liters) and flow-rate. This is the normal mode. In this mode, Button B resets cumulative water flow. Cumulative water flow also resets to 0 at midnight each night. If cumulative water flow had exceeded the flow limit and the valve had closed, the valve will re-open when cumulative flow is reset to 0.

Button A changes to Display/Set Flow Limit.

Flow Limit

In Display/Set Flow Limit mode, Button B cycles through the flow limit (liters) settings: 2000 -> 1000 -> 500 -> 200 -> 100 -> 20. The flow limit is the value which, when daily cumulative flow exceeds the limit, the valve is closed and remains closed until a reset event (midnight or button B). 

Button A advances to Display/Set Time mode.

Flow limit value 20 liters is for test purposes - if you are working on fixing a broken line, it lets you reset flow and thereby cause the valve to open, but will close the valve and shut off flow before much water escapes (in case the break is not fixed).

Set Time

In Display/Set Time mode the display shows the date and time. Button B initiates set-time submode. Then it works like a watch: Button A cycles through the values which can be changed (year/month/day/hour/minute) and Button B increments the current value. The display provides guidance on what is being changed and the function of each button. After all the date/time fields have been selected, button A exits set-time submode and returns to Flow Display. If set-time submode was not entered, Button A advances to Display/Set Valve Override mode.

Valve Override

In Display/Set valve override mode, the display shows cumulative flow, and whether the valve is closed (Flow: Inhibited), or open (Flow: On). Button B toggles valve state. Button A advances to Display/Set Simulation mode.

Valve override enables easily opening and closing the valve during leak detection and repair activities.


In Display/Set simulation mode, water flow simulation can be turned on or off. When on, the IoT device generates flow signals which simulate those of the real flow sensor. The rest of the logic behaves as if the real sensor were sending the signals, including reporting flow to the cloud, and shutting off the valve (which also shuts off simulated flow). Button B toggles flow simulation, and the display reports its current state. Button A advances to Flow Display mode.

Simulation mode is used for software and system test. It generates a random flow amount that varies hourly, and runs from 8am to 6pm, and averages around 1500 liters per day. Thus, setting flow limit to 1000 liters or lower will normally cause it to shut off flow when simulated flow exceeds the limit.

Running the IoT device standalone

You can remove the red IoT device from the circuit board by unplugging mains power and sliding the device right until it clears the pins it's plugged into. You can take it to your house and plug a USB C cable into it. It will power up and connect to the cloud via your wifi. Then you can run the simulator. Reinstall it on the circuit board using the reverse procedure - make sure the pins are aligned with the IoT device and mains power is unplugged.

Water Subsystem

The water subsystem has a bypass valve, and isolation valves for isolating the flow sensor and shutoff valve for maintenance. The acrylic box keeps rain off the flow sensor and shutoff valve.

Recommended mounting is using hooks screwed into a base which support the upper (bypass) line, and the rest of the assembly hangs from the bypass line. The valve box can be screwed to mounting board. Leave room to access both unions outside the valve box. When the unions are uncoupled, the flow sensor and valve can be removed from inside box by removing the box lid & shimmying things a bit.

The valve has LEDs visible through the box lid which indicate its state:

The valve defaults to open via spring return, so if no LEDs are on, it is open. After operating, the valve indicates its state on the LEDs, but after being open a while the charge stored in the valve dissipates and the light goes off.

Engineering Documentation

System Design

The flow limiter system monitors water flow out of the collection tank using a flow sensor. The flow sensor is inline with an electrically-operated shutoff valve. When the total flow during a 24-hour period exceeds a user-set value, the device closes the shutoff valve until the end of the current 24-hour period, at which time it is re-opened. In this way, water usage is limited to the user-set amount each 24 hours.

The device publishes flow data and shutoff valve state to the cloud. The cloud is responsible for sending text message alerts when:

The device provides a display which shows aggregate water usage in the current 24-hour period. The cloud provides a web-accessible page which shows historical water usage.

The device can power-on and perform its main function without a web connection. A web connection is highly valuable for delivering alerts, but the main function of limiting excessive flow doesn't depend on it.

The shutoff valve is normally-open, and only closed when the device detects excessive water use. This provides failure-resilience, as well as a way to bypass the system simply by unplugging it.

The system design is expandable to multiple installations, uniquified by a device ID. The device keeps current settings and other installation-specific data in non-volatile memory on the device. Non-volatile memory is initialized by loading an initialization program into the device during system-build.

System Block Diagram

The system block diagram is shown below.

The system is partitioned into three sections:

User Interfaces

The water subsystem provides a manually-operated bypass valve, which allows water to flow irregardless of the shutoff valve. This is intended for diagnostic use when hunting for leaks, or in case of a system failure that shuts off water to the farm.

The device provides the following user interface (UI) capabilities:



IoT Device

Water Subsystem

The water subsystem is the flow sensor and associated valves and wiring to the IoT device

Non-functional Requirements


The following items were considered for inclusion as requirements, but are not considered justified, and are specifically excluded:

IoT Thing Software

The IoT Thing software runs on an M5StickC Plus, and is built in the Arduino environment. See the README in the github repository  for installation and build details. The IoT Thing software repo can be cloned from git@github.com:PaulBouchier/FlowLimiter.git. 

In addition to the code for the IOT device, a sketch must be run to initialize EEPROM variables used by the IoT software. This is the FlowLimiterEEPROM sketch, which must be modified, built and loaded into the M5StickPlus device prior to loading the FlowLimiter software. The FlowLimiterEEPROM code is in a repo which can be cloned from https://github.com/PaulBouchier/FlowLimiterEEPROM

Arduino Libraries Installation

Follow these instructions to download the Arduino 1.8 software and the M5Stack libraries:


The Wifi Client library should be installed by default. Use the library manager to install libraries: arduino-mptt, ArduinoJson, M5GFX, M5StickCPlus

Hardware Design

IoT Subsystem

The schematic for the IoT subsystem is shown below.

Flow Limiter Schematic

Flow Limiter PCB Layout

Flow Limiter Cable

Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials (BOM) for flow limiter system hardware is shown below.

Flow Limiter BOM

Component power usage:

The power supply is spec'd at 12V, 500mA (6W)

Cloud Architecture

The diagram below shows the architecture of the cloud part of the flow limiter system.

Firmware Release Process