Welcome to the Parsons Family Genealogy of Jefferson County, Alabama and Laurens County, South Carolina. Joseph Garrett Parsons Sr. was born circa 1740, married Alcey Goosby and raised his family in S.C. In the Fall of 1817-1819 he moved with his youngest son, John "Jack", to Western Jefferson County, Alabama. Over the next few years almost all of his family followed and settled in the same areas of Hueytown, Johns, Adger, Mud Creek, Oak Grove (Toadvine), and other areas of Western Jefferson County and Eastern Tuscaloosa County. Click on the tab in the upper left corner of this home page to access many articles and documents concerning his life and family. Thanks for visiting. Also, please visit my Facebook page. "Parsons Family Genealogy of Jefferson County Alabama"

Harold Parsons Jr. Birmingham, Al.