Parsons in South Carolina

Particular interest should be given to the Land Grants, Deeds, and Sales in South Carolina. Joseph owned 2 parcels of Land. The first was 100 acres which was part of 550 acres that was granted to James Goolsby by King George III of England. This 100 acres was probably a gift to Joseph and Alcey since no money amount is mentioned. James Goolsby was the father of Alcey Goolsby. This property was sold to James McClintock. James McClintock is mentioned in the list of soldiers of Joseph's company as "ensign" (2nd Lieutenant). The other property was purchased from Joshua Cates of 640 acres and later sold to Soloman Langston. In the map section these two pieces of property are marked.

Also, comparing the land records of Anson County, North Carolina (on the border with South Carolina) several of the same individuals are listed as purchasing property in Laurens County, South Carolina...Abner Bishop, James Goolsby and Joseph Attaway. Its believed that in May of 1767 these families left Anson County and all moved to Laurens County S.C. Also, there were several Parsons living in Anson County, N.C. Samuel and wife Rachael, James Parsons, John Parsons, and a Rebecca Parsons. Samuel and Rachel had a son named Joseph who was born in 1760 according to his military pension request and could not have been our Joseph Parsons. However, there may have been another Joseph Parsons who witnessed documents in Anson County with a mark "J" for the sale of property by Joseph Attaway and wife Goolspring to John Spencer in 1765. Our Joseph used a mark "J" in documents in Laurens County, S.C. on two occasions.

1757-1763 James Goolsby is buying and selling property in Anson County, North Carolina

1765 A Joseph Parsons witness a sale with his mark "J" in Anson County N.C.

1767 James Goolsby receives a land grant of 550 acres from King George III in Laurens County South Carolina and moves there.

1768 James Goolsby gives (or sells) 100 acres of the 550 acres to Joseph Parsons and wife Alcey Goolsby Parsons